Page 194 - KATE_JOHNSTON_2017
P. 194

first there was silence as Andrea spoke, but then an enraged fisherman broke the attention and

               the cacophony continued. Momentary quiet was broken by protests and angered responses. At

               one point Stefano said that anger needed to stay out of the meeting. He was also trying to

               emphasise the unity of the MPA and fishermen, and the need for patience. But it was clear

               that many of the fishermen did not share his sentiment. Nor did they accept that things take

               time. The sentiment of many of the fishermen was that things are critical and that there is no


                       The meeting also underlined the tensions between the MPA and the fishermen over

               expertise, highlighting frustrations that related to knowledge hierarchies much in the same

               way as in San Pietro. Here were a group of marine biologists and technicians (experts) but,

               according to one fisherman, they had achieved nothing. A few minutes into the footage and a

               fisherman asked Stefano to look at a map of the area. The large map sat on the table and

               fishermen soon gathered around. The conversation turned to the placement of the structures.

               It is not clear whether the fishermen were consulted about the placement but clearly some

               disagreed. Running his weathered hand across the page and talking about currents, wind and

               fishing  boats,  one  fisherman  said,  ‘non  hanno  fatto  niente’  (they  haven’t  done  anything),

               ‘tutto sbaglio’ (everything is wrong).

               But from Stefano’s point of view a large part of his work is to try to work with and try to help

               the fishermen. However, he complained that:

                        …it’s  very  difficult  to  have  results…here  in  Italy,  um,  in  Sicily,  fishermen  are
                        very peculiar people…in some ways they [Favignana fishermen] are sympathetic
                        with  them  [illegal  fishers].  It  is  difficult  to  break  this  chain…they  are  always
                        angry they say there’s no more fish someone help us, it’s not possible but when
                        you get there and you say tell me the name of the boat you saw, they say “oh I
                        don’t remember”…So it’s very difficult to have results because they don’t help us
                        to help them. (S Donato 2013, pers. comm. 3 July)

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