Page 216 - KATE_JOHNSTON_2017
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the tonnara. Below us was a series of intricate nets or “rooms” that stretched along the coast

               for about 150 metres. Four hundred or so Atlantic bluefin swam below, ranging in weight

               from  30  to  200  kilos.  We  were  in  the  final  room  –  la  camera  della  morta  –  where  the

               mattanza  takes  place.  Estimations  were  made  using  different  visualisation  technologies.

               Below the surface divers filmed the transfer. Above the surface, Luigi had moved into a small

               rowboat and was using a specchio (underwater ‘mirror’ see fig. 5.5) to view the underwater

               activities.  He  checked  below  the  surface  soon  after  we  arrived  and  then  several  times  at

               important stages of the transfer. He stayed in the boat yelling instructions and continuing to

               look  through  the  specchio.  The  first  time  he  returned  to  our  boat  he  estimated  that  four

               hundred tuna remained in the last room, ranging in weight from 30 to 200 kilos. In the first

               stage of the transfer, the tuna would need to move through into the camera della morta, and

               in the second stage, into the cage.

               Fig. 5.5 Luigi estimating numbers of tuna with a specchio. Isola Piana tonnara, 2013. Image by author.

                       While  Luigi  was  off  the  boat,  Luca   (captain  of  the  boat)  took  on  the  role  of

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