Page 218 - KATE_JOHNSTON_2017
P. 218

Fig. 5.6 Tonnarotti preparing to raise the net for the transferal. Isola Piana tonnara, 2013. Image by author.

                     As soon as Luigi indicated it was time for the next stage, the tonnarotti were ready and

               concentrating on the task of moving tuna through to the sea cage. Shannon and I moved out

               of the way and back to our stations. The tonnarotti began lifting the net. Other boats were

               strategically placed to help with the movement of tuna and prevent escapes. The tonnarotti

               pulled up the heavy sodden net	 from the sea floor, grunting and heaving in unison. Luigi

               yelled  commands.  As  the  tonnarotti  pulled  up  the  net,  it  changed  colour  several  times  to

               indicate  to  them  when  they  were  nearing  its  end.  Luigi  continued  to  look  through  the

               specchio. The tuna splashed in the water, every now and again rising close to the surface so

               that you could see one glide through the water. The men continued to grunt and heave on and

               off in chorus.

                     A while after the transferal was complete we arrived back on land. Straightaway the

               observers began to watch the underwater videos the divers had captured. I was not authorised

               in the room and so could only hear that they were counting . The observers and Giuliano

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