Page 80 - KATE_JOHNSTON_2017
P. 80

Fig. 1.10 Screenshot from the website homepage (Reel Fish Co. 2016).

               Another  example  is  Greenpeace,  which  over  the  last  seven  or  so  years  has  advocated

               Maldivian pole and line skipjack. ‘A Fisherman’s Tale’ on the international website features

               a video of fishermen in action flinging tuna from the sea and onto the boat	with a pole and

               line. We meet the narrator, a master fisherman named Ali Saeed, who tells of the importance

               of pole and line tuna fishing and the sustainability of the fishery for their community. Themes

               such as tradition, fishing as culture, and minimal impact fishing help to develop the sense of

               place  and  imagery  that  has  become  associated  with  sustainable  tinned  tuna  from  the


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