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chapter I analyse the reflexive use of the term culture within sustainability discourses. Kunda

               describes this ethnographic approach as:

                        [N]ot just a study of culture as a distant and overarching social scientific concept,
                        but an examination of practical, scientifically informed, self-conscious attempts to
                        design and manage culture. It is an ethnography, as it were, of lay ethnographers,
                        an  attempt  to  document  and  interpret  the  culture  of  culture  management.
                        (2006, p. 23)

               In  the  context  of  cultural  studies  this  involves  the  use  of  two  different  analytical  lenses

               simultaneously –	one to analyse forms of culture as practices, values and knowledge, and the

               other to analyse conscious attempts to mobilise the term culture in environmental conflicts.

               The next chapter begins this process.

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