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Sister species within Triops cancriformis • M. Korn et al.

                                                                analysis, where haplotype groups are defined as subgroups of
                                                                sequences sharing autapomorphic sites, without considera-
                                                                tion of singletons (Appendix 1). There was one exception
                                                                from grouping specimens by haplotype group: the northern
                                                                Spanish population was treated like a separate haplotype group
                                                                to evaluate its unusual position in the present classification in
                                                                which it is assigned to a subspecies (i.e. T. c. simplex) different
                                                                to the other members of its haplotype group (T. c. cancriformis).
                                                                The dependent variables were telson length ratio, number of
                                                                apodous abdominal segments and number of dorsal carina
                                                                spines, respectively. To test for homogeneity of variance,
              Fig. 1 Schematic drawing of the posterior part of the abdomen of a  Levene’s test was used and normality was checked by plotting
              Triops cancriformis mauritanicus specimen in dorsal view, showing the  expected normal values against observed values. When the null
              position of subsidiary lines used for furcal spine measurements  hypothesis was rejected, differences among single statistical
              (dotted lines). Telson length ratio is defined as the ratio of furcal  populations were investigated using a Tukey post-hoc test.
              spine length to telson length. Abbreviations: TSL, telson subsidiary  The number of specimens available for morphological
              line; FSL, furcal subsidiary line; TE, telson; SP, furcal spine; F, furcal
                                                                analysis varied among populations and ANOVA is much less
              ramus; SPL, furcal spine length; TEL, telson length.
                                                                robust to violations of assumptions, particularly homogeneity
                                                                of variances, when sample sizes differ (Quinn & Keough 2003).
              sclerotization were recognized as spines. In T. c. mauritanicus,  Thus, to avoid an unbalanced design, we randomly excluded
              small spines situated on top of larger ones were often observed.  ‘excess’ data points. For telson length ratio and number of
              These were regarded as the remnants of once separate  dorsal carina spines, all statistical populations (i.e. haplotype
              spines, as comparisons among specimens suggested that in  groups) were set to 10 specimens, while for the apodous
              this subspecies, spines often fuse to different degrees. They  abdominal segment counts in females, the number was set to
              were therefore included in the counts.            five specimens per haplotype group. Populations for which
                                                                these numbers were not attained were excluded (i.e. haplo-
              Number of apodous abdominal segments. The number of apo-  type groups ‘Russia’ and ‘Hungary’; Appendix 1).
              dous abdominal segments was counted using a stereo-  The dorsal carina spine counts showed positive skewness,
              microscope at  ×6.5–50 magnification. Linder (1952) and  resulting in nonhomogeneous variances. Thus, a square root
              Longhurst (1955) concluded that legs grow independently of  transformation was used, which greatly improved the
              the segments and thus may end at any point of the abdomen.  approximation to a normal distribution and homogeneity of
              It is therefore not appropriate to simply count the number of  variances within this dataset. However, the assumption of
              segments without any legs. For segments that were only par-  homogeneity of variances was still clearly violated. There-
              tially covered by legs, the legless portion was estimated and  fore, only a data subset that met all the assumptions of ANOVA
              was added to the number of apodous segments as one decimal  was used for calculating statistics by eliminating some
              unit. Consistent measurements of this character are impos-  populations with unusual low variability. In this data subset,
              sible in fixed specimens because of variable degrees of body  we retained all populations that were most important in
              contraction during fixation (Longhurst 1955). Contrary to  evaluating the usefulness of this morphological character
              Longhurst (1955), we did not include incomplete segments  for discriminating among subspecies, e.g. populations of
              in the counts, as they generally do not appear to increase the  T. c. mauritanicus with an important overlap in this char-
              length of the abdomen. Often, they form only a small scale  acter with other subspecies (such overlap is not recognized in
              that partially covers the base of the telson. Thus, we consider  the present literature).
              that neglecting these incomplete segments provides a better  Following data analysis, a sequential Bonferroni test (Rice
              impression of the size of the apodous part of the abdomen.  1989) was carried out for the three ANOVAs performed. All
              Whether segments were incomplete or not was assessed in  statistics on morphological data were undertaken with
              ventral view of the abdomen.                      STATISTICA 6.0 (StatSoft, Inc.).

              Statistical analyses of morphological data. For each morpholog-  Biogeography
              ical dataset, the null hypothesis that there were no significant  For a better understanding of present patterns of genetic
              differences between means of statistical populations was tested  diversity and the geographical distribution of populations with
              with a single-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA). The genetic  differing reproductive modes, we reconstructed the possible
              haplotype group was considered as the fixed factor for each  maximum distribution range of T. cancriformis in Europe

              306                     Zoologica Scripta, 35, 4, July 2006, pp301–322 • © 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2006 The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters
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