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M. Korn et al. • Sister species within Triops cancriformis

            Fig. 2 The present distribution of  Triops cancriformis  subspecies in Europe (literature  data dating back one century and own records),  the
            reconstructed maximum distribution of Triops in Europe during the last Ice Ages (shaded area; for details see Materials and methods section), the
            present extent of massive ice wedges (ice-filled ground frost cracks) and the main distribution of ice-wedge-casts (fossil ice wedges; indicative of
            former permafrost: see Murton & Kolstrup 2003). Symbols:   , Triops cancriformis cancriformis;  , T. c. mauritanicus;  , North African
            T. c. simplex; , Spanish T. c. simplex (including population from Girona, northern Spain);  , T. cancriformis, without specification of subspecies or
            with doubtful classification; A and dotted area, the present extent of massive ice wedges (redrawn from a map available at
            data/ggd600.html); B, southern borderline of the main region in which ice-wedge casts occur (redrawn from Flint 1971).

            during the last Ice Ages. The reconstruction is based on the  Triops in Europe is the area situated at least 400 km south of
            assumption that the minimum distances of present Triops sites  the area in which ice-wedge-casts occur and which at the
            to permafrost regions or high alpine glaciers are indicative  same time is situated outside a range of 50 km to any montane
            of the general potential maximum distribution extent of this  regions that were covered by glaciers during the Ice Ages.
            taxon towards such low temperature regions. We thus used
            indications of the extent of permafrost and glaciers during  Results
            the Ice Ages to infer the possible distribution of Triops during  Nucleotide composition, substitution patterns and
            this period. The palaeodistribution of permafrost can be  sequence variability
            withdrawn from the distribution of fossil ground frost cracks,  The nucleotide composition in the 16S rDNA gene segment
            so-called ice-wedge-casts (Murton & Kolstrup 2003). For our  sequenced showed a pronounced AT bias (33.1% T, 31.8% A,
            reconstruction, we used distribution maps of ice-wedge-casts  12.8% C, 22.3% G) within T. cancriformis. Higher AT than
            (redrawn from Flint 1971; see Fig. 2), present-day massive  GC levels are not unusual for mitochondrial DNA (Simon
            ice wedges (ground frost cracks filled with ice; map available  et al. 1994); however, it should be noted that the assumption
            at the Frozen Ground Data Center homepage, see http://  of equal base frequencies in certain substitution models used
   and Ice Age glaciers (redrawn  in phylogenetic analyses is violated.
            from Flint 1971). The present distribution of T. cancriformis  The alignment consisted of 433 sites, of which 393 sites
            was referred from literature data and own observations (not  were conserved within T.  cancriformis, constituting 90.8%.
            all literature data could be checked for correctness). The mini-  Within this lineage 37 sites were variable and 31 of these
            mum geographical distance of a reported Triops site to regions  (7.2% of the total sequence) were parsimony informative.
            in which massive ice wedges occur (refer to site 86 in Vekhoff  The mean 16S sequence divergences between the Triops taxa
            1993; see northernmost locality in Fig. 2) is approximately  analysed are presented in Table 4a. Table 4b shows 16S
            400 km and the minimum geographical distance to an alpine  distances between taxa of Lepidurus for comparison. Within
            glacier is approximately 50 km (refer to the site indicated for  T. cancriformis transitions had not reached saturation (Fig. 3),
            Haute Savoie region in Defaye et al. 1998). Consequently,  whereas transversions exhibited a slight tendency to satura-
            the reconstructed area of maximum palaeodistribution of  tion, indicated by the cessation of linear correlation.

            © 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2006 The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters • Zoologica Scripta, 35, 4, July 2006, pp301–322  307
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