Page 10 - Marrone_alii_2013
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                                                              Table 4 Percentages of correct classification using all shape or only
                                                              ‘‘size-corrected’’ shape in DFAs, based on the leave-one-out cross-
                                                              validation procedure
                                                              All shape
                                                                                   PA (%)                PB (%)
                                                               PA                   88.7                 11.3
                                                               PB                   16.3                 83.7
                                                                                   PB1                   PB2
                                                               PB1                  80.6                 19.4
                                                               PB2                  23.3                 73.7
                                                                                   PA                    PB
                                                               PA                  100                    0
                                                               PB                    4.9                 95.1
                                                              PA, Phaleria acuminate; PB, P. bimaculata; PB1, P. bimaculata
                                                              ‘‘Southern sub-clade’’; PB2, P. bimaculata ‘‘Tyrrhenian sub-clade’’

                                                              headland delineated. Such a geomorphology thwarts long-
                                                              distance longshore transport of sediment and propagules
                                                              between adjacent or close beaches, translating in semi-
                                                              isolated macrobenthic assemblages (Deidun et al. 2003;
                                                              Deidun and Schembri 2008). However, results from the
                                                              present study do not support this hypothesis, since Phaleria
                                                              spp. specimens collected from adjacent Maltese pocket
                                                              beaches belonged either to different species or to the same
                                                              P. bimaculata sub-clade. In order to further test the actual
                                                              level of compartmentalization of the studied coastal envi-
                                                              ronments, the realization of a broader comparative study
                                                              involving diverse molecular markers and taxa with differ-
                                                              ent dispersal capacities is thus advisable.
                                                                The exploration and definition of character diagnostics
                                                              assume a fundamental role in biological conservation; it is
                                                              noteworthy to point out that in Australia, the Mediterranean
           Fig. 5 Discriminant function analysis between P. acuminata (PA)  P. bimaculata has been accidentally introduced in the
           and P. bimaculata (PB): a elytra, b pronotum; and discriminant  vicinity of Melbourne (Doyen et al. 1989); in such cases,
           function analysis between the ‘‘Southern sub-clade’’ (PB1) and the  the availability of sound identification methods, as the ones
           ‘‘Tyrrhenian sub-clade’’ (PB2) within P. bimaculata: c pronotum
                                                              described in this paper, is of pivotal importance for an early
                                                              recognition of the biological invasions, which otherwise
           1997; Millot 1999; Pinardi et al. 2005). The Maltese pop-
                                                              might be overlooked and thus inadequately managed.
           ulations and the Aegadian ones are thus hydrodynamically
                                                              Molecular techniques are known to be extremely effective
           linked by virtue of the MAW and of the Atlantic Ionic
                                                              in order to unveil these ‘‘cryptic invasions’’ (e.g., Marrone
           Stream (AIS) meandering their way through the Sicily Strait
                                                              et al. 2011, and references therein), and the geometric
           in a southeasterly direction. However, against such a
                                                              morphometry proves to be an extremely promising cost-
           hydrodynamic regime, gene flow should also be maintained
                                                              effective alternative.
           between the Aegadian and the Tyrrhenian localities thanks
           to the northern stream of the MAW; however, this is
           incongruent with results emerging from the current study.
             At a finer geographical scale, previous ecological stud-
           ies on Maltese sandy beaches (e.g., Deidun and Schembri
           2008; Gauci et al. 2005) have commented on the pocket  Adams DC, Rohlf FJ, Slice D (2004) Geometric morphometrics: ten
           nature of the same beaches surveyed, i.e., beaches that are  years of progress following the ‘revolution’. Ital J Zool 71:5–16

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