Page 5 - Marrone_alii_2013
P. 5

Author's personal copy


           Table 2 GenBank accession  Site code        Specimen code        Taxon         GenBank accession numbers
           numbers of the studied
                                     CAL_ST            CAL_ST_281           PB2           JX982340
                                     FAV_PO            FAV_PO_1             PB1           JX982350
                                     FAV_PO            FAV_PO_2             PB1           JX982351
                                     LAM_CF            LAM_CF_284           PB1           JX982361
                                     LAM_SC            LAM_SC_256           PB1           JX982364
                                     LIN_CP            LIN_CP_285           PA            JX982354
                                     MAL_GH            MAL_GH_11            PB1           JX982360
                                     MAL_GH            MAL_GH_6             PB1           JX982344
                                     MAL_RY            MAL_RY_283           PA            JX982341
                                     MAL_SB            MAL_SB_188           PB1           JX982342
                                     MAL_SMB           MAL_SMB_308          PB1           JX982343
                                     SIC_CA            SIC_CA_8             PA            JX982345
                                     SIC_CB            SIC_CB_307           PB2           JX982362
                                     SIC_FA            SIC_FA_1             PB2           JX982363
                                     SIC_FB            SIC_FB_1             PA            JX982348
                                     SIC_FB            SIC_FB_5             PA            JX982349
                                     SIC_MA            SIC_MA_305           PA            JX982356
                                     SIC_OL            SIC_OL_1             PB2           JX982358
                                     SIC_OL            SIC_OL_253           PB2           JX982359
                                     SIC_RO            SIC_RO_304           PA            JX982355
                                     SIC_SM            SIC_SM_306           PB2           JX982365
                                     SIC_SV            SIC_SV_303           PA            JX982353
                                     SIC_TF            SIC_TF_282           PB2           JX982347
                                     SIC_TG            SIC_TG_2             PA            JX982352
                                     SIC_TM            SIC_TM_5             PA            JX982346
                                     VUL_GE            VUL_GE_1             PA            JX982357
           PA, Phaleria acuminata; PB1,
           P. bimaculata ‘‘Southern sub-  VUL_GE       VUL_GE_309           PA            JX982339
           clade’’; PB2, P. bimaculata  VUL_VP         VUL_VP_2             PB2           JX982338
           ‘‘Tyrrhenian sub-clade’’

           i.e., the pronotum and the elytra. Statistical variations in  The digital images of the pronotum and the elytra were
           the shape of the pronotum and of the right elytra in dif-  processed separately with mAKEfAN6(Sheets 2003). For each
           ferent P. bimaculata and P. acuminata individuals were  body structure, the landmarks and semi-landmarks config-
           analyzed using multivariate statistics.            uration was identified following criteria of homology
             The pattern of morphological body-shape variation was  (Bookstein 1991). Within the pronotum, the Cartesian x, y
           analyzed in eighteen Phaleria spp. populations. Analyses  coordinates of four landmarks and six semi-landmarks were
           were performed on 206 pronota and 216 elytra (Table 1).  recorded. In the elytra, the Cartesian x, y coordinates of four
           Head and limbs from sampled specimens were dissected to  landmarks and twelve semi-landmarks were recorded.
           be used for the DNA extraction and subsequent molecular  The position of the pronotum landmarks and semi-
           analyses.                                          landmarks adopted in this study is shown in Fig. 2a, while
             After dissection, the remaining body parts were mounted  the position of elytra landmarks and semi-landmarks is
           on an entomological card. The specimens were positioned  shown in Fig. 2b.
           along a horizontal plane; for each individual, only the right  The bidimensional coordinates of the anatomical land-
           portion of the body was examined, with the aim of  marks and semi-landmarks on the outline of the dorsal view of
           removing any possible bias caused by bilateral asymmetry.  the pronotum and the right elytra were collected and digitized
           Dorsal images were digitized using a Leica D-LUX   by means of TPSDIG2 (Rohlf 2004). In order to better perform
           3 LMS camera mounted on the optical stereomicro-  statistical analysis, the landmarksand semi-landmarks were
           scope Wild M3.                                     successively recognized with TPSUTIL 1.45 (Rohlf 2008).

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