Page 6 - Marrone_alii_2013
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           Fig. 2 Landmarks and semi-
           landmarks positioning on
           Phaleria specimens. a Four
           landmarks (1, 3, 9, and 10) and
           six semi-landmarks for
           pronotum (2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8);
           b four landmarks (1, 2, 3, and
           16) and twelve semi-landmarks
           (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
           14, and 15) on the right elytra.
           The landmarks were digitized
           on half of each structure to
           remove the variability
           introduced by the possible

           The resulting coordinates were subjected to a generalized  carries out a leave-one-out cross-validation to assess the
           procrustes analysis (GPA), which removes all the information  reliability of classification. The analysis automatically
           that is unrelated to shape (Rohlf and Slice 1990). The per-  includes a parametric T-square test for the difference
           pendicular projection or minimum procrustes distance crite-  between group means.
           rion, in this study, was used to align the semi-landmarks along
           their respective curves. In this case, the coordinates of the
           outlines were slid along a tangential direction, in order to  Results
           minimize the procrustes distance between the specimen and a
           reference.                                         The ML and BA molecular analyses gave congruent
             For the comparison of the configurations of landmarks  results, which are summarized in Fig. 3. The BA tree,
           and semi-landmarks, the relative warps method (RWM)  rooted on the tenebrionid species Nesotes helleri, singles
           was used (Bookstein 1991; Rohlf 1993). The relative warps  out two well-supported clades, corresponding to the pop-
           are principal component vectors of the partial warps,  ulations ascribed to P. acuminata and P. bimaculata based
           variables generated for thin-plate spline transformations  on morphological analyses. The only exception is the
           (Bookstein 1989), and were used to describe the major  sample from Vulcano-Gelso (VUL_GE), which was iden-
           trends in shape variation among specimens within the  tified as P. bimaculata marcuzzii by Deidun et al. (2011),
           sample (Rohlf 1993, 1996). Thin-plate spline deformation  but which clustered with the P. acuminata clade in the
           grids were generated to facilitate description of shape  present study.
           variation. The analyses were performed by means of   The P. acuminata clade is poorly structured, as the
           RELATIVE WARPS 1.39 (Rohlf 2004).                  populations are rather homogeneous, both on the Sicilian
                                                              mainland and on the circum-Sicilian islands. Conversely, it
           The Discriminant function                          is possible to distinguish two supported sub-clades (hereby
                                                              reported as the ‘‘Tyrrhenian’’ and the ‘‘Southern’’ sub-
           Discriminant function analysis (DFA) of the morphometric  clades, respectively) within the P. bimaculata clade
           data was performed using mORPHOj 1.01 (Klingenberg  (Fig. 3), although the molecular distance between them is
           2011) and used in order to test the separation of the mor-  rather low (Table 3).
           photypes attributable to the two species (Zelditch et al.  As stressed in the RWM plot (Fig. 4), there are note-
           2004). The DFA examines the separation between two  worthy inter-specific differences in the shape of the
           groups of observations, known a priori. The procedure  pronotum and the elytra. When compared with those of

   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11