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           Table 3 Molecular distances among the clades and sub-clades sin-  Fig. 4 Scatterplots of two first relative warps scores obtained from c
           gled out in Fig. 5a                                the RWM of the shape of two external morphological structures. Plots
                                                              show deformation grids relative to each axis; a pronotum:
                                          PA   PB1  PB2  Out.  RW1 ? RW2 accounted for a total of 79.11 %; b elytra: for a total
                                                              of 71.01 %
           P. acuminata(PA)                    0.06  0.06  0.18
           P. bimaculata ‘‘Southern sub-clade’’  0.07  0.01  0.17  consistent discriminant character among the studied spe-
                                                              cies (Fig. 5a, b; Table 4).
           P. bimaculata ‘‘Tyrrhenian sub-clade’’  0.07  0.01  0.17
            (PB2)                                               The morphogenetic approach allowed us to further dis-
                                                              criminate two well-characterized sub-clades within P. bi-
           Out-group (Nesotes helleri)    0.27  0.26  0.26
                                                              maculata; these are geographically segregated, and they are
           Uncorrected p distances (above the diagonal) and distances based on  separated by modest molecular distances (Table 3) and by
           the best evolutionary model selected by AIC (GTR ? I, below the
           diagonal)                                          the pronotum morphometry (Fig. 4c). One of these groups
                                                              includes all the P. bimaculata populations sampled along
                                                              the Strait of Sicily, from the Maltese archipelago to the
           populations from the island of Vulcano, i.e., VUL_GE and  Pelagian and the Aegadian archipelago (the ‘‘Southern sub-
           VUL_PV (within the Aeolian archipelago, the locus typi-  clade’’), and the other one includes all the populations from
           cus of P. bimaculata marcuzzii), did not cluster together in  the northeastern Sicilian coast, Vulcano island (Aeolian
           the DFA: One of them clustered within the P. acuminata  archipelago), and southernmost Italian mainland (the
           populations, and the second one clustered within the P.  ‘‘Tyrrhenian sub-clade’’) (Fig. 3). This second group thus
           bimaculata s.l. populations belonging to the ‘‘Tyrrhenian  includes also the P. bimaculata populations currently
           sub-clade.’’                                       ascribed to the subspecies P. bimaculata marcuzzii.
             All the pairwise comparisons performed by the DFA  At the current state of knowledge, both the mutually
           were highly significant (p \ 0.0001) and the relative clas-  exclusive hypotheses that (1) P. bimaculata marcuzzii is a
           sifications proved to be reliable. The classification table  valid subspecies with a wider distribution than previously
           (Table 4) shows the percentage correct attributions to the a  thought, i.e., extending over the entire Aeolian archipelago
           priori molecularly identified groups (i.e., PA: P. acuminata  and the southeastern Tyrrhenian coasts, and that (2) P.
           vs. PB: P. bimaculata; PB1: P. bimaculata ‘‘Southern sub-  bimaculata marcuzzii is in fact a junior synonym of another
           clade’’ vs. PB2: P. bimaculata ‘‘Tyrrhenian sub-clade’’).  P. bimaculata subspecies, are equally plausible and
                                                              deserve further investigation. A future broader sampling
                                                              protocol, which includes the topotypical populations of the
           Discussion                                         presumptive subspecies and different ‘‘forms’’ of P. bi-
                                                              maculata, is needed in order to check whether these alleged
           There is a perfect agreement between geometric mor-  taxa of infra-specific rank coincide with well-defined
           phometry and molecular analyses in assigning the studied  molecular lineages.
           Phaleria populations to the species P. acuminata or P.  Tenebrionid beetles lack a planktonic larval stage;
           bimaculata s.l. Previously, a good agreement was observed  however, the processes of water transport and rafting
           also with the identification results from the conventional  (passive dispersal through floating debris) between islands,
           morphological investigation, with the only exception being  described already for species like the oniscid isopod genus
           the population from Vulcano-Gelso (VUL_GE), which was  Idotea (ClarkinE et al. 2012), cannot be a priori dismissed
           assigned to P. bimaculata marcuzzii by Deidun et al.  (Fattorini 2002). Though other species inhabiting sandy
           (2011), while it is ascribed to P. acuminate in the present  beaches and exhibiting passive dispersal patterns, such as
           study on the bases of both morphometric and molecular  talitrid amphipods, show a population genetic structure
           evidence. Upon a careful morphological reanalysis, in fact,  shaped by the surface circulation of water masses (Pavesi
           the Vulcano-Gelso population proved to belong to P. bi-  et al. 2012), the geographical segregation of the two P.
           maculata s.l., thus providing evidence that the original  bimaculata sub-clades is not consistent with the prevailing
           identification of the same samples as reported by Deidun  pattern of surface currents within the central Mediterranean.
           et al. (2011) was erroneous. The taxonomical value and the  The modified Atlantic water (MAW) stream bifurcates into
           species-level discriminatory power of the geometric mor-  two major streams just off the westernmost tip of Sicily
           phometrics analyses in Tenebrionidae, already demon-  (Fig. 3b), with one stream meandering along the northern
           strated for different genera (e.g., Taravati et al. 2009; Peric-  coast of Sicily, in the southern Tyrrhenian, and one stream
           Mataruga et al. 2008), are thus also confirmed for the genus  proceeding in a southeastern fashion, just south of Adven-
           Phaleria, where the elytra and the pronotum proved to be  ture Bank, in the Strait of Sicily (Malanotte-Rizzoli et al.

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