Page 7 - Marrone_alii_2013
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           Fig. 3 a Phylogeographic                                          VULGE309
           reconstruction of Phaleria spp.
           from central Mediterranean area                                    MAL RY 283
           based on a 660-bp-long                                            SIC CA 8
           fragment of the mitochondrial                                     SIC TM 5
           gene COII. The tree topologies
                                                                             SIC FB 1
           based on BA and ML analyses                                                         Phaleria acuminata
                                                                             SIC FB 5
           are congruent at the higher                                                               (PA)
           nodes. Support at nodes is                                        SIC TG 2
           represented as ‘‘BA posterior                                     SIC SV 303
           probability/ML bootstrap.’’ The                                    SIC RO 304
           node support for ML tree is                               100 \ 100
                                                                             VUL GE 1
           based on 1,000 bootstrap
           replicates. ML analysis is based                                 LIN CP 285
           on the GTR ? I evolutionary                                      SIC MA 305
           model. See Tables 1 and 3 for
           the locality codes and GenBank
           accession numbers. b An                                      MAL SMB 308
           iconographic representation of                  100 \ 100    MAL GH 6
           the genetic diversity outlined in                            MAL GH 11            Phaleria bimaculata
           Phaleria spp. The direction of
                                                                       FAV PO 2              "Southern clade"
           the two branches into which the                                                        (PB1)
           MAW bifurcates and of the AIS                                LAM CF 284
           through the Sicily Strait are                                LAM SC 256
           evidenced, according to                                     FAV PO 1
           Malanotte-Rizzoli et al. 1997;
           Millot 1999; Pinardi et al. 2005                            VUL VP 2
                                                                 82 / 70  CALST281
                                                                       SIC TF 282
                                                                                           Phaleria bimaculata
                                                                        SIC OL 1
                                                                       SIC OL 253          "Tyrrhenian clade"
                                                                       SIC CB 307
                                                                       SIC FA 1
                                                                              Nesotes helleri  (a)


           P. bimaculata, P. acuminata elytra are more elongated and  bimaculata for both elytra and pronotum (Fig. 5a, b); fur-
           elliptical, and the pronotum of the latter is narrower, with a  thermore, based on pronotum-only data, a significant
           less curved margin.                                morphometric difference was detected among the popula-
             DFA was carried out separately for elytra and pronotum  tions belonging to the two molecular clades singled out for
           data, imposing the grouping of the specimens according to  P. bimaculata (see Fig. 5c); conversely, no significant
           their species and sub-clade genetic affiliation. DFA  differences were observed when these populations were
           allowed to clearly distinguish P. acuminata from P.  compared solely on the elytra data. The two Phaleria

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