Page 3 - Marrone_alii_2013
P. 3

Author's personal copy


           Fig. 1 Map of the studied Phaleria spp. populations. The locality codes are those reported in Table 1. The two P. bimaculata sub-clades are
           those highlighted by the molecular analyses

           increase the efficiency of the traps as they divert any  2–3 h. DNA was then extracted using whole specimens and
           wandering animal that makes contact with the walkways  following the ‘‘DNEasy—Animal Tissue Kit’’ (QIAGEN)
           into the traps (L. Chelazzi, personal communication, see  protocol.
           Gauci et al. 2005). Where substrate type (e.g., too coarse  A fragment of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit II
           a sediment) or beach attributes (e.g., too narrow a beach)  mitochondrial gene (COII) was amplified using the primer
           precluded the deployment of pitfall trap constellations,  pairs described by Contreras-Diaz et al. (2003) and the
           individual, non-connected traps (plastic cups) were used  following thermal cycle: 5 at 95 °C followed by 35 cycles
           instead. A mixture of freshwater and vinegar (3:1) was  with 1 at 95 °C, 1 at 50 °C, and 1 at 72 °C; a final
           placed in each trap as an attractant, with the traps being  extension of 8 at 72 °C concluded the PCR. The PCR mix
           deployed at dusk and emptied at dawn. Collected    consisted of 17.63 ll of double-distilled water, 2.5 ll
           Phaleria spp. specimens were sorted out and fixed   Buffer 109,2 ll MgCl 2 solution (25 mM), 0.12 ll dNTPs
           in situ in 95 % ethanol.                           (20 mM), 0.25 ll of each primer (25 lM), 0.25 ll Taq
             Identification of the collected specimens was carried out  polymerase 5u/ll, and 2 ll of DNA template, for a total
           under a stereomicroscope according to the morphological  reaction volume of 25 ll.
           characteristics described by Canzoneri (1968). When nec-  After PCR, 5 ll of each PCR product was separated by
           essary, selected specimens were dissected in order to study  electrophoresis on a 2 % agarose gel at 70 V for 1 h and
           the form of the aedeagus.                          visualized with a UV Transilluminator. When PCR pro-
                                                              ducts showed a clear and single band of the correct length,
           DNA extraction, amplification, and sequence analyses  they were purified using the Exo-SAP-IT kit and sequenced
                                                              with an ABI 3130xL (Applied Biosystems) sequencer. The
           Prior to DNA extraction, heads and legs of selected spec-  forward primer was used for direct sequencing of the PCR
           imens (Table 1) were soaked in double-distilled water for  product, and if the sequences were not of sufficient quality,

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