Page 4 - Marrone_alii_2013
P. 4

Author's personal copy


           Table 1 List of the studied populations and of the specimens included in the molecular and morphometrical analyses
           Site code  Locality                Coordinates         Taxon  # of specimens  # of specimens  # of specimens
                                              (WGS84)                   studied for the  studied for the  included in the
                                                                        elytra       pronotum    molecular analyses
           CAL_ST    Calabria–Santa Trada     38.242210 N; 15.673196 E  PB2  3       3           1
           FAV_PO    Favignana–Port           37.928888 N; 12.325555 E  PB1  10      10          2
           LAM_CF    Lampedusa–Cala Francese  35.495555 N; 12.624722 E  PB1  0       0           1
           LAM_SC    Lampedusa–Spiaggia dei Conigli  35.513055 N; 12.557222 E  PB1  15  14       1
           LIN_CP    Linosa–Cala di Ponente   35.867222 N; 12.851111 E  PA  0        0           1
           MAL_GH    Malta–Ghajn Tuffeha      35.928888 N; 14.343888 E  PB1  0       0           2
           MAL_GT    Malta–Gnejna Bay         35.920278 N; 14.343055 E  PB  15       13          0
           MAL_RY    Gozo–Ramla beach         36.061388 N; 14.284166 E  PA  11       10          1
           MAL_SB    Gozo–San Blas            36.056944 N; 14.300833 E  PB1  0       0           1
           MAL_SMB   Comino–S. Marija Bay     36.016666 N; 14.337222 E  PB1  15      8           1
           MAL_XLA   Gozo–Xatt l-Ahmar        36.019795 N; 14.289272 E  PA  16       17          0
           SIC_CA    Sicily–Camarina          36.847222 N; 14.452500 E  PA  15       15          1
           SIC_CB    Sicily–Casa Bianca       38.279253 N; 15.595860 E  PB  15       14          0
           SIC_FA    Sicily–Foce dell’Agro `  37.931388 N; 15.357222 E  PB2  4       4           1
           SIC_FB    Sicily–Foce del Belice   37.581388 N; 12.870277 E  PA  3        3           2
           SIC_MA    Sicily–Magnisi           37.150138 N; 15.223411 E  PA  0        0           1
           SIC_OL    Sicily –Oliveri          38.120000 N; 15.086111 E  PB2  15      15          2
           SIC_RO    Sicily–Ronciglio         37.971008 N; 12.497649 E  PA  0        0           1
           SIC_SM    Sicily–Sindaro Marina    38.272562 N; 15.481321 E  PB2  12      13          1
           SIC_SV    Sicily–San Vito          38.178396 N; 12.733155 E  PA  0        0           1
           SIC_TF    Sicily–Torre Faro        38.270733 N; 15.648744 E  PB2  9       9           1
           SIC_TG    Sicily–Torre Gaffe       37.122500 N; 13.855000 E  PA  13       13          1
           SIC_TM    Sicily–Torre Manfria     37.103055 N; 14.115277 E  PA  15       15          1
           VUL_GE    Vulcano–Gelso beach      38.368888 N; 14.995833 E  PA  15       15          2
           VUL_VP    Vulcano–Ponente beach    38.411666 N; 14.963611 E  PB2  15      15          1
           PA, Phaleria acuminata; PB, P. bimaculata s.l. (no molecular data available); PB1, P. bimaculata ‘‘Southern sub-clade’’; PB2, P. bimaculata
           ‘‘Tyrrhenian sub-clade’’

           the  complement/reverse  sequences  were  obtained  values were calculated with 1,000 replicates in the ML
           additionally.                                      trees. BA analysis was carried out with the following set-
             Chromatograms were imported and edited with Chro-  tings:  ngen = 500,000  nchains = 4  nrun = 2  sam-
           mas Lite 2.01 (Technelysium Pty Ltd) and exported to be  ple = 500 temp = 0.1; default priors; the best BA
           aligned with ClustalX (Thompson et al. 1997). The  parameters selected by AIC were the following: Prset
           sequences were deposited in GenBank with the accession  statefreqpr = dirichlet  (1,1,1,1);  Lset  nst = 6  rate-
           numbers (A.N.) JX982338–JX982365 (Table 2). A COII  s = propinv. The node stability of BA trees was evaluated
           sequence of the tenebrionid beetle Nesotes helleri (Reitter  from their posterior probabilities.
           1922) was downloaded from GenBank (A.N.: AJ299304.1)
           to be used as out-group in the molecular analyses.  Geometric morphometrics
             Bayesian (BA) and maximum likelihood (ML) analyses
           were performed as implemented in MrBayes 3.1.2 (Huel-  The study involved the use of the geometric morphometrics
           senbeck and Ronquist 2001) and PhyMl v.3 (Guindon et al.  technique, which is nowadays a standard protocol in mor-
           2010). For both analyses, the best evolutionary model for  phological research. The geometric morphometrics tech-
           each dataset was selected using mrModeltest (Nylander  niques (Bookstein 1991; Rohlf and Marcus 1993; Adams
           2004). According to the Akaike Information Criterion  et al. 2004; Zelditch et al. 2004; Viscosi and Cardini 2011)
           (AIC), the best-fit model for ML analysis proved to be a  were used to quantify and analyze the inter- and intra-
           general  time-reversible  plus  invariant  sites  model  specific differentiation in the shape of two external ana-
           (GTR ? I); as a measure of branch support, bootstrap  tomical structures in the collected Phaleria spp. specimens,

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