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Ecological Indicators 122 (2021) 107296
         E. Turicchia et al.
         Table 1                                              Table 2
         Abundance classes and their converted scores (Sc).    Mean sensitivity values of the physical (MSV phy ), chemical (MSV che ), and bio-
                                                              logical (MSV bio ) pressures, and the overall mean (MSV tot ) of the selected taxa.
          Numerical class     Descriptive class         Sc
                                                                Taxa             MSVphy   MSVche   MSVbio   MSVtot
          0                   absent                    0
          1                   isolated specimen         1       Caulerpa cylindracea    0.643    0.571    0.333    0.583
          2                   some scattered specimens   2      Caulerpa taxifolia    0.643    0.571    0.333    0.583
          3–5                 several scattered specimens   3   Axinella spp.    1.231    0.714    1.333    1.087
          6–10                a crowded area            4       Aplysina spp.    1.538    0.714    1.333    1.261
          11–50               some crowded areas        5       Geodia cydonium    1.769    1.571    1.667    1.696
          >50                 several crowded areas     6       Corallium rubrum    2.308    2.333    3.000    2.409
                                                                Paramuricea clavata    2.462    2.667    2.750    2.565
                                                                Eunicella cavolini    2.462    2.500    2.750    2.522
         sensitivity ranks (not sensitive, low, medium, high) to each pressure   Eunicella singularis    2.231    2.500    2.500    2.348
         were established by combining the resistance and resilience ranks using   Eunicella verrucosa    1.692    2.333    2.750    2.043
         the MarESA combination table. Species sensitivity ranks were converted   Parazoanthus axinellae    1.769    1.833    0.667    1.636
                                                                Savalia savaglia    2.385    2.000    2.000    2.217
         to  numerical  scores  (0–3),  and  the  mean  sensitivity  values  toward   Cladocora caespitosa    2.154    2.500    2.333    2.273
         physical  (MSV phy ),  chemical  (MSV chem ),  and  biological  (MSV bio )  pres-  Astroides calycularis    1.769    2.500    1.000    1.826
         sures and the overall mean (MSV tot ) were calculated.   Balanophyllia europaea    1.769    2.333    1.333    1.864
                                                                Leptopsammia pruvoti    1.692    2.000    1.000    1.682
                                                                Pinna nobilis    1.923    1.500    2.750    1.957
         2.3. Territorial units and time frames                 Arca noae        1.308    2.167    2.250    1.696
                                                                Palinurus elephas    1.214    1.857    2.500    1.600
           The RCMed U-CEM data are unevenly distributed across space and   Homarus gammarus    1.214    1.857    2.750    1.640
                                                                Scyllarides latus    1.231    1.857    2.500    1.625
         time because of the preferences and behaviour of the volunteers. To
                                                                Paracentrotus lividus    1.462    1.429    2.250    1.583
         reduce conscious and unconscious bias, the data from several EcoDivers   Hippocampus spp.    1.933    1.143    2.250    1.769
         within a defined territorial unit (TU) and time frame (TF) were pooled   Diplodus spp.    1.133    0.714    2.250    1.192
         and analysed together. TUs and TFs should be designed according to the   Sciaena umbra    1.267    1.286    2.000    1.385
         aims of the monitoring and management purposes. For instance, TUs
         may be the cells of a regular grid over  the area of interest, a set of   values were classified into 5 classes, from very low to very high sensi-
         management  and  monitoring  zones  within  MPAs,  or  the  areas  sur-
                                                              tivity, via quintiles.
         rounding  single  dive  sites.  The  minimum  TU  size  depends  by  the
         exploration ability of the divers and the positioning accuracy they can
                                                              2.6. MedSens index calculator
         achieve (Meidinger et al., 2013). Therefore, the recommended minimum
         TU size is 0.08 km (e.g. within a 6 arc-second radius). TF may span
                                                                 To facilitate the application of the MedSens index, a plugin for QGIS
         several months or multiple years, depending on the intensity and scale of
         the monitoring program.                              was  developed  in  Python  language and  made  freely available in  the
                                                              QGIS plugin repository (also linked at the ‘MedSens index’ web page ).
                                                              The plugin requires two input datasets in shapefile format (ESRI, 1998),
         2.4. RCMed species sensitivity (MedSens) index
                                                              one containing a subset of the data collected using the RCMed U-CEM
                                                              protocol with the abundances of the 25 assessed taxa (i.e. the open ac-
           The MedSens index provides the mean sensitivity of the species as-
                                                              cess ‘MedSens data’  shapefile; Ponti et al., 2020), and a second with
         semblages recorded by EcoDivers within a TU and TF. It can be calcu-
                                                              polygons representing the TUs of interest. The polygons shapefile may
         lated  for  the physical  (MedSens phy ),  chemical (MedSens che ), biological                     2
                                                              be  any file containing  one  or  more enclosed  areas ≥ 0.08 km .  The
         (MedSens bio ), and overall pressures (MedSens tot ) on the species, based on
                                                              desired TF can be defined as the starting and ending dates. The output is
         the  corresponding  mean  sensitivity  values  (MSV),  weighted  for  the
                                                              a new polygons shapefile reporting in the attribute table the values of
         abundance classes of the taxa. For each observation, the abundance class   MedSens phy , MedSens che , MedSens bio , MedSens tot , observers, observations,
         was converted to an abundance score (Sc) of 0 to 6 (Table 1). The index   2
                                                              searched taxa and area (km ) for each assessed area. Colour legends are
         is calculated as:
                                                              also provided.
         MedSens x = Σ(Sc i × MSV (x)i )/ΣSc i
                                                              2.7. Case studies
         where x is the chosen pressure typology (phy, che, bio, or tot), and MSV (x)
         i  refers to the taxon in the ith observation having an abundance score Sc i   As case studies, the MedSens index was calculated for the Mediter-
         in the selected TU and TF. The minimum requirements for the index   ranean  MPAs  reported  in  the  World  Database  on  Protected  Areas
         calculation are: TU size ≥ 0.08 km , EcoDivers ≥ 3, number of obser-  (WDPA) from UNEP-WCMC and IUCN (2019), and the management and
         vations (including absences) ≥ 20, and searched taxa ≥ 10. The index   monitoring zones within Italian MPAs, wherever sufficient MedSens data
         values increase with increasing sensitivity means of the species recorded
                                                              were available  in the  time frame 2001  –  2019. In particular,  Italian
         and, to a lesser extent, with their abundance.       MPAs are usually organised into management zones with different levels
                                                              of protection enforcement, as indicated in their management plans and
         2.5. MedSens index classification                    coast guard directives. With some exceptions, A zones (no-entry/no-take
                                                              areas) allow only scientific activities, B zones (partial protection) allow
           The distribution of values assumed by the index was explored by   recreational dives under some circumstances (e.g. a limited number of
         applying the formula through a 15 arc-second grid (i.e. 1/4 of a nautical   participants, only guided tours), and C zones (buffer zones) allow dives
         mile in latitude) covering the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea and the   with no restrictions (Villa et al., 2002).
         entire time frame of the available data (2001–2019; last access May 18,   Used  testing  polygons  shapefiles  and  their  resulting  MedSens
         2019).  The  index  values  distributions  (MedSens phy ,  MedSens che ,  Med-
         Sens bio , and MedSens tot ) were compared for homogeneity of variances
         and differences in the means using Bartlett’s test and the analysis of   4
         variance (ANOVA), respectively (in both cases, α  = 0.05). The index   /medsens-index/
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