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Ecological Indicators 122 (2021) 107296
         E. Turicchia et al.

         Fig. 2. Examples of sensitivity assessments (MedSens tot  index) applied to MPAs management zones: a) Portofino, b) Tavolara – Punta Coda Cavallo, and c) Isole
         Tremiti. Yellow dots display MedSens data points. Letters indicate protection levels (Mercator projection, WGS84). (For interpretation of the references to colour in
         this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
         Miramare, Isole Egadi, and Portofino MPAs, where data were collected   Fig. 2b), the assemblage sensitivities ranged from high to very high. This
         during authorised dives. However, the MedSens index did not detect very   is consistent with limited anthropic impacts in a well-managed MPA
         sensitive assemblages into these A zones. The A zones of Miramare and   (Bianchi et al., 2012). Pressure gradients cannot be uniquely defined in
         Isole  Egadi  are  characterised  by  seagrass  meadows  and  the  MedSens   this area, but the B zone performed better than the C zone in terms of
         index may not provide reliable results in these habitats. At Cinque Terre,   assemblage sensitivity, as expected from the management and conser-
         the  non-indigenous  algae  Caulerpa  cylindracea  has  invaded  (Bianchi   vation plan.
         et al., 2019; Montefalcone et al., 2015) and reduced the sensitivity of the   At the Isole Tremiti MPA (central Adriatic Sea, Fig. 2c), the assem-
         assemblages, especially towards biological pressures.   blage sensitivities ranged from low to moderate. The B zone had the
           At Portofino MPA (Ligurian Sea, Fig. 2a), the assemblage sensitivities   lowest mean species sensitivity, especially for biological pressures. This
         ranged from moderate to very high. Overall, the mean species sensi-  may be related to a decline in the algal assemblages due to increasing
         tivities increased in the west and consistently with distance from the   pollution (Cormaci and Furnari, 1999) and the growing number of non-
         Tigullio Gulf, located upstream of the dominant currents (Doglioli et al.,   indigenous species, such the invasive algae Womersleyella setacea (Cor-
         2004). This is the source of the main local physical and chemical pres-  maci et al., 2000) and C. cylindracea (Pierucci et al., 2019).
         sures due to increasing urbanisation (Mangialajo et al., 2007) and the   The  MedSens  index  may  allow  even  more  detailed  analysis.  The
         fluvial  transport  of  sediments  and  pollutants  (Mateos-Molina  et  al.,   Portofino MPA can be further subdivided into 19 monitoring zones, as
         2015).                                               designated by the MPA authority. The MedSens index revealed that some
           At Tavolara – Punta Coda Cavallo MPA (northern Tyrrhenian Sea,   zones have less-sensitive assemblages than others, which may help to

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