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Ecological Indicators 122 (2021) 107296
         E. Turicchia et al.

                   Fig. 1. Geographical distribution of the MedSens data points (Ponti et al., 2020). Map is in Mercator projection, datum WGS84.

                                                              Mediterranean Sea. This included many coastal areas characterised by
         Table 3                                              rocky bottoms, but also several wetlands, coastal lagoons, estuaries, and
         MedSens index classification of the physical, chemical, biological, and overall
                                                              pelagic  areas  that  are  unsuitable  for  the  MedSens  index.  Overall,  81
                                                              MPAs were assessed by the MedSens index, and the results are reported
          Mean sensitivity   MedSens phy   MedSens che   MedSens bio   MedSens tot   in Table S3.1 (Supporting Information S3). The assessed areas ranged
          Very low     ≤1.5106   ≤1.4381   ≤1.5554   ≤1.5305   from very small rocky outcrops (e.g. Scoglio dell’Argentarola, 0.15 km )
          Low          ≤1.6275   ≤1.6342   ≤1.7908   ≤1.6432   to vast marine spaces  (e.g. Tabarca-Cabo de Palos, 1262   km ). The
          Moderate     ≤1.7206   ≤1.7806   ≤1.9168   ≤1.7431   protected  areas  with  the  most  sensitive  species  assemblages  were
          High         ≤1.8456   ≤1.9621   ≤2.0594   ≤1.8921
          Very high    >1.8456   >1.9621   >2.0594   >1.8921    located in the southern and central Tyrrhenian Sea (e.g. Isole Egadi,
                                                              Scoglio dell’Argentarola, Isola di Ustica, Scilla, and Costa Viola) and
                                                              Ligurian Sea (e.g. Punta Manara). The protected areas with the least
         classifications are available at the ‘MedSens index’ web page .   sensitive species assemblages were characterised by artificial habitats,
           Possible correlations among MedSens index, calculated for different   such as shipwrecks in Malta and the offshore platform wreck ‘Paguro’ in
         pressure typologies, number of observations, observers, taxa considered,   the  northern  Adriatic  Sea,  whose  benthic  assemblages  are  simplified
         and  the  size  of  the  investigated  areas were analysed  by  the  Pearson   compared to natural rocky bottoms (Ponti et al., 2002, 2015). Low to
         correlation coefficient (r). Differences of r-values from zero were tested   very  low  mean  species  sensitivities  were  also  found  at  ‘Tegnùe  di
         with a t distribution (α = 0.05).                    Chioggia’, a northern Adriatic no-take zone characterised by mesophotic
                                                              coralligenous banks. These results are consistent with high anthropic
         3. Results                                           disturbance  in  the  area,  including  several  dystrophic  crises  (Toma-
                                                              ˇ sových  et  al.,  2017;  Zuschin  and  Stachowitsch,  2009)  and  intense
           The details of the evidence-based sensitivity assessment (including   trawling  (Melli  et  al.,  2017;  Ponti  et  al.,  2011)  that  may  limit  the
         references)  for  the  25  selected  taxa  are  summarised  in  the  Table  S2   abundance of species sensitive to physical and chemical pressures.
         (Supporting Information S2). The mean sensitivity values are reported in   The indices for the different pressures were correlated (Table S3.2,
         Table 2.                                             Supporting Information S3). However, there were instances where the
           The MedSens data shapefile used to classify the MedSens index con-  classifications differed greatly, particularly between assessments of the
         tained  33,021  observations  from 569  EcoDivers  (Fig.  1;  Ponti et  al.,   chemical and biological pressures. The number of taxa considered was
         2020). The data came from the Croatian, French, Greek, Italian, Spanish,   correlated to the number of observations and observers, and the number
         and Tunisian coasts. The MedSens index calculation for 15 arc-second   of observations was correlated to the number of observers, but these
         grid cells along the Mediterranean coasts resulted in 137 TUs assessed.   parameters did not correlate with the size of the area or the sensitivity of
         When  calculated  for  the  physical,  chemical,  biological,  and  overall   their assemblages.
         pressures,  the  index  value  distributions  significantly  differed  for  the
         variances (Bartlett’s test: p = 1.475 × 10 -10 ) and means (ANOVA: p =  3.2. MedSens index applied to Italian MPA management zones
         2.347 × 10 ). This suggests slightly different classification scales for the
         different pressure types; the 5-class scheme obtained by quintiles is re-  The  MedSens  index  was  calculated  for  22  management  zones
         ported in Table 3.                                   belonging to 12 Italian MPAs (Table S3.3, Supporting Information S3).
                                                              The  management  zones  with  the  most  sensitive  species  assemblages
         3.1. MedSens index applied to Mediterranean MPAs     were in the MPAs Isole Egadi, Tavolara – Punta Coda Cavallo, Isola di
                                                              Ustica,  Punta  Campanella,  and  Portofino.  Many  A  zones  were  not
           In  October  2019,  WDPA  reported  1504  MPAs  (sensu  lato)  in  the   assessed due to the lack of data; the exceptions being the Cinque Terre,

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