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Ecological Indicators 122 (2021) 107296
         E. Turicchia et al.

         Fig. 3. Sensitivity assessments in the Portofino MPA monitoring zones (from 1 to 19) for the: a) overall assessment (MedSens tot ), b) physical pressures (MedSens phy ), c)
         chemical pressures (MedSens che ), and d) biological pressures (MedSens bio ). Yellow dots display MedSens data points. Letters indicate protection levels (Mercator
         projection, WGS84). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

         identify local pressures and fine-tune the adaptive management actions   (Garrabou et al., 2019).
         (Fig. 3). The south-east side (zones 3–9), in particular, appeared less   Another  case  study  is  represented  by  the  mass  mortality  of  the
         sensitive  to  physical  disturbances  (Fig.  3b),  possibly  resulting  from   gorgonian  Paramuricea  clavata  at  Secca  del  Papa,  Tavolara  Island
         exposure to sedimentation and water turbidity from the Tigullio Gulf   (northern Tyrrhenian Sea; 40 54.910 N 9 44.840 E) in the late sum-
         (Mateos-Molina et al., 2015). These zones are also most affected by the   mer  2008  heatwave  (Huete-Stauffer  et  al.,  2011).  Data  collected  in
         mass mortality of gorgonians and other organisms that have frequently   2007, before the crisis, showed a very high mean sensitivity of the as-
         occurred  since  1999  (Cerrano  et  al.,  2000)  and  by  recreational  and   semblages, especially to the chemical and physical pressures (Fig. 4b).
         artisanal  fishing  activities  (Markantonatou  et  al.,  2014).  The  results   Data  collected  between  2015  and  2017  (after  the  crisis)  indicated  a
         from zones 7 and 2 suggest that the management authorities should   drastic reduction in the sensitivity of the assemblages. Indeed, the loss of
         develop tailored strategies for their species assemblages that are less   P. clavata may affect the structure of benthic communities (Ponti et al.,
         sensitive to chemical and biological pressures, respectively (Fig. 3c and   2014,  2018).  However,  the  sensitivity  to  biological  pressures  was
         d).                                                  consistently moderate before and after the crisis.
                                                              4. Discussion
         3.3. Changes in the MedSens index over time
                                                              4.1. The success of MedSens
           The MedSens index can be calculated for specific time frames (TF). As
         an example, changes in the mean assemblage sensitivity at Gallinara   The  United  Nations  Decade  of  Ocean  Science  for  Sustainable
         Island (Ligurian Sea; 44 1.400 N 8 13.700 E) were analysed annually
                                                              Development Goals 2021–2030 (SDG 14, Life Below Water) asks for an
         from 2006 to 2018 (except 2011 due to a lack of data). The assemblages
                                                              urgent  improvement  of  the  capacity  of  marine  conservation  actions
         showed very low to moderate sensitivity along the whole study period   worldwide,  and  MCS  is  a  promising  and  powerful  tool  to  enhance
         (Fig. 4a). This result is consistent with the impoverishment of benthic
                                                              engagement  in  marine  conservation  worldwide.  Following  the  ten
         assemblages that occurred after increases in human disturbance since   principles of the Citizen Science (Kelly et al., 2020), the RCMed U-CEM
         the 1990s and the failure to establish a planned MPA (Bianchi et al.,
                                                              open access dataset allows for various uses, e.g. to complement scientific
         2018). The mean sensitivity to biological pressures was very low due to   papers on species distribution and abundance, aid distribution model-
         the invasion of C. cylindracea in 2005 (Cerrano et al., 2017). In 2016,
                                                              ling, and compare historical series (Lucrezi et al., 2018 and references
         there  was  an  increase  in  species  mean  sensitivity,  especially  to  the   therein). The MedSens index, being based on this dataset, represents a
         chemical and physical pressures. However, in the following two years,
                                                              bridge between MCS and coastal management in the Mediterranean Sea,
         there was a new decline, likely due to the heatwaves of 2017 and 2018
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