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Ecological Indicators 122 (2021) 107296
         E. Turicchia et al.
                                                              considered  when  interpreting  the  results.  The  main  strengths  of  the
                                                              MedSens index are that the sensitivities of the selected species in a wide
                                                              range of taxonomic groups and biological and ecological features are
                                                              based on scientific evidence and that these sensitivities were assessed
                                                              according  to the different pressure  types. This  can help discriminate
                                                              against local pressures that are likely to act in an area. Conversely, the
                                                              main weaknesses lie in the reduced number of considered species, which
                                                              could be increased in the future, and the need for large amounts of data
                                                              from many well-trained volunteers.
                                                                 The success of a CS project stems from simple and effective protocols
                                                              (Bonney  et  al.,  2009;  Holt  et  al.,  2013),  developed  by  scientists  to
                                                              include  particular  aims,  proper  training  and  skills  assessment  of  the
                                                              participants, and timely feedbacks on the progress and efficacy of the
                                                              participants’  actions to keep high their involvement (Devictor et al.,
                                                              2010).  The  RCMed  U-CEM  protocol  is  a  simple  but  effective  visual
                                                              census, with easy-to-monitor species that encompass the key ecological
                                                              aspects of the Mediterranean subtidal habitats (Cerrano et al., 2017).
                                                              This protocol is easy to learn and may provide a large amount of timely,
                                                              up-to-date geo-referred data, from the Mediterranean Sea coasts. Data
                                                              quality is assured by rigours participant training (subject to learning
                                                              tests), numerous surveys by independent observers, and quality control

                                                              4.2. Future perspectives

                                                                 The population of European divers is over 3 million people (data
                                                              from the European Underwater Federation ), many of whom dive in the
                                                              Mediterranean  Sea.  The  Mediterranean  Sea  has  about  23,000  km  of
                                                              rocky coasts (Furlani et al., 2014) and more than 7000 km of subtidal
                                                              rocks  and  biogenic  reefs  in  the  scuba diving  depth  range  (EMODnet
                                                              broad-scale seabed habitat map for Europe, v2019 ). With the MedSens
                                                              index, volunteers applying the RCMed U-CEM protocol can support re-
                                                              searchers and managers to collect and interpret data over larger spatial
                                                              and temporal scales than would otherwise be possible.
         Fig. 4. Temporal change in the MedSens index at: a) Gallinara Island from 2006   The MedSens index provides a free, complementary to professional
         to 2018 and b) Secca del Papa, Tavolara Island before and after the 2008 mass   investigations, and user-friendly tool to evaluate the ecological quality
         mortality of Paramuricea clavata.                    of the Mediterranean subtidal rocky habitats according to the Habitat
                                                              Directive  and  the  MSFD  requirements.  This  will  also  help  decision-
         allowing the effective integration of a consolidated community-based   makers  as  they plan  and  apply conservation  strategies.  The  MedSens
         environmental monitoring into ecosystem-based management policies.   index offers a detailed picture of the vulnerability levels of different
         It provides a proxy of the mean sensitivity of the rocky bottom assem-  coasts,  allowing  tailored  measures  of  conservation  in  an  adaptive
         blages  to  natural  and  anthropic  pressures  listed  by  MSFD.  Higher   management framework. Moreover, this index can enable more oppor-
         average  assemblage  sensitivities  are  associated  with  lower  levels  of   tunities for effective feedback to volunteers involved in the RCMed U-
         disturbance, thereby indicating good environmental conditions.   CEM protocol. The MedSens index application may represent a way to
           The MedSens index was calibrated on a large dataset of wide-ranging   raise public awareness and enhance the collaboration between coastal
         conditions occurring along the Mediterranean Sea coasts. Case studies   management  authorities,  stakeholders,  and  researchers.  By  directly
         showed that the index responds well to the local pressures documented   involving stakeholders, the MedSens index increases the acceptability of
         by previous studies. The MedSens index may also be applied in a wide   management decisions, including unpopular ones, as they may occur in
         range of circumstances; it is particularly suitable for monitoring MPAs   MPAs where fragile sites and restoration areas are closed to the public.
         and can aid spatial gradients analysis, time series analysis, and before/   The RCMed U-CEM protocol and MedSens index may also comple-
         after-control/impact  studies.  Moreover,  the  newly  developed  QGIS   ment  ocean  observation  systems  and  oceanographic  forecast models,
         plugin provides an easy freeware tool to calculate the index whenever   helping to develop an early-warning system for mass mortality events in
         data are available.                                  benthic species along the Mediterranean Sea coasts (Turicchia et al.,
           MedSens is a biotic index based on the sensitivities and tolerances of   2018). Thus, their combined application provides an effective strategy
         the species to pollution and/or other disturbance sources (for a review   to achieve the habitat and species conservation objectives set by the
         see Ponti et al., 2009). Other indices based on a similar approach for the   European Union (Borja et al., 2010) and the Mediterranean Regional
         Mediterranean  benthic  communities  include  the  AZTI’  Marine  Biotic   Activity  Centre  for  Specially  Protected  Areas  (UNEP-MAP-SPA/RAC,
         Index, AMBI (Borja et al., 2000), for soft bottoms, and the Ecological   2017).
         Status of Coralligenous Assemblages index, ESCA (Piazzi et al., 2017),   The  MedSens  index  was  designed  for  the  Mediterranean  subtidal
         for  rocky  bottoms.  These  indices  are  based  on  the  assumption  that   rocky bottoms, but its approach may be applied to other habitats, from
         sensitive species decrease in abundance and number as the pressures   temperate to tropical reefs, by including the relevant local species, with
         increase, leaving space for the more tolerant species (Hilsenhoff, 1987).   appropriate calibration and validation.
         While  the  high  abundance  of  a  sensitive  species  is  likely  witness  of
         reduced pressures, the high abundance of tolerant species is not neces-
         sarily  related  to  poor  environmental  conditions  –  this  should  be   5
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