Page 10 - Pasanisi_alii_2015
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values of geographic fetch are
                                                                                comprised in the directional
                                                                                sectors 150-190°N and 260-290°N.
                                                                                A rose plot of the offshore          Research & development
                                                                                annual  wave climate derived
                                                                                from geographic transposition
                                                                                is  depicted   in  Figure  15.
                                                                                Two    directional  sectors  for
                                                                                prevailing incident waves can be
                                                                                distinguished: the first comprises
                                                                                the south-eastern quadrant, whilst
                                                                                the second is centered on south-
                                                                                western direction.
                                                                                Considering    the    coastline
            FIGURE 14   a) Positions of the real and virtual stations used for geographical
                    transposition of wave climate. b) Polar plots of geographic and effective   geometry and orientation, it can
                    fetches at virtual buoy off study areas                     be assumed  that only the waves
                                                                                comprised in the sector 120-
           Considering all the above considerations, for all   300°N are likely to propagate  shoreward and reach
           surveyed profiles, the best-fit values of scale parameters   the study areas. Based on  the above considerations,
           A were estimated; all values correspond to ideal values   the directional sector can be divided in two prevailing
           of d 50  greater than that of the actual sediment (0.20 mm).
           Limited to the only sections of coast  where emerged
           beaches are present, theoretical mean values of d 50  can
           be estimated as 0.68 mm at Cala Azzurra western bay,
           0.72 mm at Cala Azzurra eastern bay and 0.47 mm at
           Lido Burrone beach.
           Considering the minor bathymetric variations observed
           during the project period, results seem  to suggest    TABLE 1   Main offshore wave climate parameters
           an overall stability of the submerged beach profile
           greater than that  expected from the actual  sediment
           size distribution. It can be reasonably hypothesized that
           this is due to presence of rock or to the stabilizing effect
           of Posidonia oceanica on the sea bottom, though more
           investigations are needed to confirm this hypothesis.
           In  particular, it should  be  necessary to investigate
           in detail the nature of sea bottom materials and its
           coverage and further extend measures in the emerged
           beach and in the nearshore zone, where intense
           sediment dynamics is to be expected.

           Wave climate and coastal hydrodynamics
           In Figure 14, the positions of Mazara del Vallo wave
           buoy and Favignana virtual buoy used for geographic
           transposition  of wave data  are plotted. In the same    FIGURE 15   Rose plots of estimated offshore annual wave climate
           Figure, polar graphs of geographic and effective            and wave climate obtained by simulation of wave
                                                                       propagation at Cala Azzurra and Lido Burrone sites
           fetches estimated at virtual buoy are shown; the highest    (reference depth 15 m)

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