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describe the seasonal variability of the beach morphology   Survey vessel and personnel for marine operations were
           as completely as possible, compatibly with the timetable   provided by the Marine Reserve Management Authority
           of the project and suitable sea and weather conditions.  (Area Marina Protetta Isole Egadi). The transducer was
           Survey equipment and instrumentation are listed below:  mounted at the port side of the vessel, using a flange
           •  Multibeam echo sounder with sidescan sonar Odom   pole and an ad-hoc-designed steel framework.
              Echoscan (30 beams, acoustic frequency  200 kHz,   As regards the navigation project,  survey lines normal to the
              swath angle 90°);                               shoreline were adopted, oriented to North for Cala Azzurra
           •  Marine Differential GPS  Trimble SPS461, dual   and 45°N for Lido Burrone, respectively. Line spacing was
              antenna, for position and heading measure;      defined, considering the multibeam swath angle, in order to
           •  Trimble HydroPro software for survey planning and   obtain, at nominal depth of 10 m, a 100% bottom coverage
              navigation;                                     with 50% overlap between parallel consecutive swath lines.
           •  Communication    Technology   GeoPro/SwanPro    Overall, 30 transects were adopted for both sites, with 10 m
              software for multibeam and sidescan sonar data   line spacing. The orientation and spacing of survey lines is
              acquisition;                                    the result of an optimal compromise between swath angle
           •  Triton BathyPro,  Triton ISIS Sonar and Golden   and resolution of the instrument, maneuverability of vessel
              Software Surfer software for data  processing  and   and safety of navigation, and allowed to maximize the
              presentation.                                   surveyed area, also considering the bottom morphology
           Figure 3 shows some of the above listed resources.  and the presence of rocks and other obstacles in the
           As regards compensation  of measurement  errors,   nearshore zone.
           the echo  sounder  is provided with a  Teledyne  TSS   The offshore limit  of navigation lines was  planned in
           dynamic motion sensor (DMS) for random errors due   order to extend the survey beyond the depth of closure
           to heave, pitch and roll. The heading information for   d c   of the active  beach that,  according to  Hallermeier
           yaw compensation is obtained by simultaneous GPS   [22], can be estimated as follows:
           acquisition at two antennas aligned along the main axis
           of the vessel. Patch tests [21] were performed per each
           operation day, to compensate the systematic errors due
           to mounting offsets of the transducer.

                                                                                In the above formula,  g is the
                                                                                gravitational acceleration, while
                                                                                H s  and  T s  are, respectively, the
                                                                                significant wave height and
                                                                                period representative of incident
                                                                                wave conditions  exceeded only
                                                                                12 hours per year (exceedance
                                                                                probability 0.137%).
                                                                                Based on the statistical analysis of
                                                                                incident  wave  climate discussed
                                                                                in the next  section, the values
                                                                                H s(12hr) =4.55 m and T s(12hr) =9.28 s
                                                                                were derived, resulting in a depth
                                                                                of closure d c =8.70 m.
            FIGURE 3   Main resources used for hydrographic surveys. a) Multibeam and sidescan   A well-established extension
                   sonar transducer with dynamic motion sensor. b) Marine DGPS dual antenna   of the Hallermeier formulation
                   for position and heading. c) Example of multibeam echo sounder and sidescan
                   sonar data acquisition during survey operations              is to relate the depth of closure

            EAI    Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione    4/2015
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