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the closure depth of the site (i.e., the maximum water
           depth of significant sediment transport, depending on
           wave climate) is located within the headlands, long-
           shore sediment exchange is negligible. In this case, the
           pocket beach can be regarded as a closed  sediment
           cell, where sediment supply to the beach is essentially
           due to shoreward cliff erosion  (if comprised of soft
           rock), or stream discharge (if present).
           A large body of literature exists on the dynamics of pocket
           beaches [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]. As regards plan-view geometry,    FIGURE 2   Typical features of cross-shore beach profile modelling
           a number of planform parameters and ratios are used in     Source: Exploring Florida. A Social Studies Resource
           literature to describe and classify the coastal morphology   for Students and Teachers, University of South Florida
           and estimate the equilibrium status of the beach [9]. Due
           to the limited sediment transport at ends, the coastline   Sometimes, however, beach changes can be permanent
           generally tends to align itself with prevailing incident   and non-reversible.  This occurs when sediment
           wave fronts, assuming a typical seaward concave plan   supply from the backshore is reduced or interrupted,
           shape that can be approximated by a logarithmic spiral or   typically for man-induced causes as land-use change,
           different mathematical functions. The resulting coastline   modification of hydrographic network, sediment  Research & development
           configuration, corresponding to ideal conditions of   extraction from riverbed, destruction of dunes,
           stability, is a classical and appreciated conceptual   construction of seawalls and other hard structures [15,
           scheme for coastal stabilization projects. The coastline   16, 17]. Other possible cases of barely reversible beach
           orientation – i.e. the orientation of the line connecting   changes can be due to sediment delivered by streams
           the edges of the beach – is a typical parameter used to   during extreme flood events, as reported for the Elba
           empirically describe coastline adaptation to incident   Island, [18, 19]. These are not the cases in Favignana,
           waves. In general, if coastline orientation is aligned with   given the absence of an organized river network.
           the line connecting the headlands of the bay, a relative   In the framework of a  wider research program, an
           stability of the beach is to be expected, while coastline   extensive investigation of coastal  morphology and
           rotation can be regarded as a morphological response to   dynamics was performed  at Cala  Azzurra and Lido
           changes in approach angles of prevailing incident waves.  Burrone  sites during  the  period  2012-2014. First
           Assuming a substantial stability in terms of long-shore   results of the work, including an outline of materials
           sediment  processes, the  dynamics  of  a pocket beach   and methods  and partial data analysis, have  been
           is frequently dominated  by cross-shore modelling  of   synthetically  presented in a  previous paper [20].
           beach profile. As well established in literature [10, 11,   Besides any scientific interest, the results of the projects
           12], for a given profile geometry and sediment  grain   will contribute to create a knowledge base aimed
           size, cross-shore modelling can result in beach accretion   to implement measures for sustainable tourism and
           or erosion depending on incident wave conditions. In   management of marine resources.
           case of high energy incident waves, offshore sediment
           transport (destructive forces) prevails, resulting in
           coastline retreat; on the contrary, with milder wave   Materials and methods
           activity, the onshore transport  (constructive forces)
           prevails  and the result is a  coastline advance (Figure   Hydrographic surveys
           2). Cross-shore modelling  processes  are generally   Four hydrographic surveys  were performed at  Cala
           reversible, and the effects are alternations between   Azzurra and Lido  Burrone, in  the following periods:
           two  typical beach  profile  shapes, referred  to as   November 2012 (Survey 1), July 2013  (Survey 2),
           “storm”, “winter” or “bar-type” profile, and “ordinary”,   September 2013 (Survey 3), and May 2014 (Survey 4).
           “summer” or “berm-type” profile, respectively [13, 14].  The temporal planning of surveys was defined in order to

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