Page 9 - Pasanisi_alii_2015
P. 9

FIGURE 10   Cala Azzurra, transect CA09. Surveyed beach profiles    FIGURE 12   Lido Burrone, transect LB10. Surveyed beach profiles
                    and theoretical equilibrium profile                and theoretical equilibrium profile

            FIGURE 11   Cala Azzurra, transect CA21. Surveyed beach profiles    FIGURE 13   Lido Burrone, transect LB23. Surveyed beach profiles
                    and theoretical equilibrium profile                and theoretical equilibrium profile

           For each of surveyed transects, theoretical equilibrium   increases with sediment size. The use of equilibrium
           profiles which best fit measured data were derived   profile to compare measured data is to be considered
           using the least squares method. In the ideal case in   as a first approximation, consistent with a qualitative
           which there is no net cross-shore sediment transport, i.e.   description of the coastal morphology and dynamics.
           same magnitude of constructive and destructive forces,   Main criticisms to this approach can be: (a) the
           beach profile tends to assume a concave configuration,   equilibrium profile concept is applicable to uniform
           classically described by Dean [30] with a power function:  sandy beach profile, disregarding the possible
                                                              presence of rock and differences in seafloor coverage,
                                                              and (b) the Dean formulation can be considered to
                                                              progressively become less realistic as the depth of
           where h is the water depth, x is the offshore distance   submerged profile increases (i.e., starting from 6 m
           from shoreline and  A  is a scale parameter that   depth).

            EAI    Energia, Ambiente e Innovazione    4/2015
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