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Quantificazione degli effetti della protezione sul benthos di substrato duro  371

     Despite the increasing number of monitoring programs and local-scale experiments evaluating the

efficacy of conservation interventions, there is still a lack of conclusive evidence about whether spatial
approaches to marine management and conservation are effective in sustaining fisheries and conser-
ving biodiversity. The quantification of the effects of anthropogenic activities requires the adoption of
suited experimental designs under the assumption that restrictions are effectively enforced within MPA
boundaries. The project Afrodite-Venere is the first coordinated effort of quantifying potential effect
of protection including all Italian MPAs using a common sampling design in two different habitats of
rocky substrates (infralitoral fringe and shallow infralitoral at about 5 meter depth). Univariate and
multivariate analyses suggest two different scenarios: (1) substantial lack of differences in the structure
of assemblages within MPAs in respect to controls, (2) significant differences possibly driven by habi-
tat more than protection itself. Results suggest the need of planning ad hoc experiments, for tests of
hypotheses able to include both the ecological context and socio-economic considerations.

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