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Journal of Biogeography (J. Biogeogr.) (2007) 34, 339–355

                                             Mandibles and molars of the wood
                                ARTICLE      mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus (L.):

                                             integrated latitudinal pattern and mosaic
                                             insular evolution

                                             Sabrina Renaud * and Johan R. Michaux 2,3

            1 Pale ´oenvironnements et Pale ´obiosphe `re, UMR  ABSTRACT
            5125 CNRS - Universite ´ Lyon 1, Campus de la
                                             Aim The distinct nature of island populations has traditionally been attributed
            Doua, 69622 Villeurbanne, France, Unite ´ de
                                             either to adaptation to particular insular conditions or to random genetic effects.
            Recherches en Zooge ´ographie, Institut de
                                             In order to assess the relative importance of these two disparate processes, insular
            Zoologie, Quai Van Beneden 22, 4020 Lie `ge,
            Belgique and Centre de Biologie et de Gestion  effects were addressed in the European wood mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus
            des Populations (CBGP), UMR 1062, Campus  (Linnaeus, 1758).
            International de Baillarguet, CS 30016, 34988,
                                             Location Wood mice from 33 localities on both mainland and various Atlantic
            Montferrier/Lez (Montpellier) Cedex, France
                                             and western Mediterranean islands were considered. This sampling covers only
                                             part of the latitudinal range of A. sylvaticus but included the two main genetic
                                             clades identified by previous studies. Islands encompass a range of geographical
                                             conditions (e.g. small islands fringing the continent through large and isolated
                                             Methods The insular syndrome primarily invokes variations in body size, but
                                             ecological factors such as release from competition, niche widening and food
                                             availability should also influence other characters related to diet. In the present
                                             study, the morphology of the wood mice was quantified based on two characters
                                             involved in feeding: the size and shape of the mandibles and first upper molars.
                                             The size of the mandible is also a proxy for the body size of the animal. Patterns
                                             of morphological differentiation of both features were estimated using two-
                                             dimensional outline analysis based on Fourier methods.
                                             Results Significant differences between mainland and island populations were
                                             observed in most cases for both the mandibles and molars. However, molars and
                                             mandibles displayed divergent patterns. Mandible shape diverged mostly on
                                             islands of intermediate remoteness and competition levels, whereas molars
                                             exhibited the greatest shape differentiation on small islands, such as Port-Cros
                                             and Porquerolles. A mosaic pattern was also displayed for size. Body and
                                             mandible size increased on Ibiza, but molar size remained similar to mainland
                                             populations. Mosaic patterns were, however, not apparent in the mainland
                                             populations. Congruent latitudinal variations were evident for the size and shape
                                             of both mandibles and molars.

                                             Main conclusions Mosaic evolution appears to characterize insular divergence.
                                             The molar seems to be more prone to change with reduced population size on
                                             small islands, whereas the mandible could be more sensitive to peculiar
                                             environmental conditions on large and remote islands.
            *Correspondence: Sabrina Renaud, UMR 5125
            CNRS – Universite ´ Lyon 1, Ba ˆt. Ge ´ode, 2 rue  Keywords
            Dubois, Campus de la Doua, F-69622
                                             Apodemus sylvaticus, body size, dentition, Fourier analysis, island syndrome,
            Villeurbanne Cedex, France.
            E-mail:  mandible shape, morphometrics, Rodentia.

            ª 2006 The Authors                                 339
            Journal compilation ª 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd  doi:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2006.01597.x
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