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194                   S. Casimiro et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 61 (2017) 183–195

           production of the CSP plant equivalent to 9.07 kWh m    Comparing the production of both systems (CSP+RO
           (considering the net power produced for the Trapani case   and CSP+MED) it is clear that to operate the desalination
           study), while for the CSP+RO system this cutback is equal   plants near nominal capacity similarly to the real commer-
           to the specific power consumption of the entire RO plant   cial plant  at  Trapani,  these  co-generation systems  would
           (the same 3.79 kWh m ).                           need to be significantly oversized to more than 2 times the
              The performances of the two systems for a typical day   installed capacity (as capacity factors of both desalination
           in winter (January 3 ) and summer (July 1 ) can be seen in   plants are between ~41 and ~46%).
           Figs. 10 and 11. In the winter day, the lack of solar irradia-
           tion prevents nominal operation, and both plants are only
           able to operate for a few hours. The CSP-RO plant can only   5. Conclusions
           start to produce water at around 12 pm, and produces water   This work presents the results for the yearly physical
           at nominal capacity for a period of 6 h, during which the   performance of a potential CSP-RO vs. CSP+MED systems
           CSP-MED system starts producing water only an hour later,   operating in a co-generation scheme with no grid connec-
           with nominal production occurring only for a short peri-  tion, for a location where a commercial large scale stand-
           od. The CSP-RO system produces in total, more water than   alone MED plant has operated until very recently near the
           the CSP-MED. In the summer day, both systems operate at   city of Trapani, west Sicily, Italy. This integrated compari-
           near nominal capacity production of 1500 m  h  through-  son between RO and MED technologies powered by CSP
           out the day, while the CSP-RO system produces slightly   is a novelty as far it was possible for the authors to verify
           more electricity than the CSP-MED. The lower production   in the literature regarding the level of detailed results pre-
           of the CSP+MED  system during the night is due to a slight   sented for a case-study in specific location where it is also
           cutback determined by the CSP plant controller originally   possible to compare with data from a real commercial plant.
           built-in SAM. It is important to note that the previous dis-  This work was conducted using a commercial reverse
           cussion is valid only for the configurations discussed in this   osmosis computer model (ROSA) developed by DOW
           work and not generally valid for all kinds of CSP-MED inte-  FILMTEC TM  and a software developed by NREL capable of
           gration schemes vs. CSP+RO, as they are very dependent   simulating the hourly operation of a CSP plant, with the aid
           on the detailed configurations of all these plants.  of an add-on described in a previous work [2], and upgrad-
                                                             ed recently since then.
                                                                 The CSP plant considered in the simulations had
                                                             49.4  MW  (44 MWe net) at design, while both the MED
                                                             and RO plants assumed a nominal water production of
                                                             36,000  m  d . Per year, the CSP+MED system has a net
                                                             electric production of ~131 GWh  and ~5.3 million m , and
                                                             the CSP+RO has ~150 GWh  and ~6.1 million m . The CSP-
                                                             MED configuration has capacity factors of 33.7% and 40.6%
                                                             for the CSP and MED plants, respectively, while the CSP-
                                                             RO had capacity factors of 46.1% and 46.4% for the CSP and
                                                             RO plant, respectively (using a SWCC as cooling system).
                                                                 The results are in favor of the CSP-RO configuration
                                                             (with SWCC or wet cooling) for the case study of Trapani,
                                                             as the first produces around  20% more electricity and
                                                             14% more water throughout the year when compared to
                                                             CSP+MED. Though it is important to have into account that
                                                             the expected margin of error for the models used to simu-
                                                             late the plants is within +/– 10% [9].
           Fig. 10. Typical performance in a winter day.
                                                                 Results show that there are minimal differences in
                                                             water production for the CSP-RO system using any of the
                                                             four cooling options considered in this work (wet cooling
                                                             with fresh and saltwater, dry cooling and a once through
                                                             condenser). Regarding the electrical production of the
                                                             CSP+RO, using wet cooling (with fresh or salt water) or a
                                                             once-through seawater cooling (SWCC) system return very
                                                             similar results, while using a dry cooling system would
                                                             imply a cutback on electrical production of ~7%. The elec-
                                                             tric production follows a typical seasonal pattern similar to
                                                             that of most CSP systems in the Northern hemisphere, in
                                                             which lower levels of production occur in the winter, and
                                                             the highest level in summer, due to the increased availabil-
                                                             ity of solar irradiation.
                                                                 The CSP-RO provides significantly more electricity
                                                             during the summer, while more than doubling the water
                                                             production of the CSP-MED during some months in winter.
           Fig.11. Typical performance in a summer day.      The MED consumption for pumping only (3.56 kWh m )
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