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S. Casimiro et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 61 (2017) 183–195   193

           designed to absorb the total amount of rejected heat by the
           CSP plant at design conditions. The reason why this was
           done was because this would enable the operation of the
           CSP plant independently of the MED, which might be an
           advantage especially for the first systems to be built with
           CSP+MED, as mistakes with the startup and shut down of
           the MED plant may occur easily with the intermittency of
           the CSP plant. Also the simulation of the CSP+MED system
           assumed that during startup of the MED the dissipation of
           heat is done by the SWCC. This is a simplification, as in
           reality part of the steam leaving the CSP plant would be
           increasingly directed to the MED plant until it would reach
           the required level of operation. Also, the water produced by
           the MED plant during startup might not be of good quality,
           so it is not accounted when considering the total water pro-
           duced by the MED.
              Both the RO and MED systems being compared have a   Fig. 7. Comparison of net electrical and water production.
           nominal production capacity of 36,000 m  d  (the same as
           the real TVC-MED plant at Trapani). Analyzing the perfor-
           mance of the two, in Fig. 7, it is clear to see that the produc-
           tion profile is in line with the typical Mediterranean climate,
           peaking during summer and sharply declining during win-
           ter time, despite the use of a large thermal storage capacity,
           and a solar multiple of three for both CSP-MED and CSP-
           RO system. The rate  of parasitic consumption also  falls
           in line with this profile. The CSP parasitic consumptions
           accounted and described in [9] include auxiliary boiler par-
           asitic load, fixed parasitic load, balance  of plant parasitic
           load, total parasitic power for tank freeze protection, solar
           collector assemblies drives and electronics parasitic power,
           thermal energy storage and power block heat transfer fluid
           pumping power, collector field required pumping power,   Fig. 8. Percentage of difference of water production.
           power  block cooling parasitic power, and collector field
           required freeze protection parasitics and the pumping pow-
           er for RO and MED in each system. Overall the CSP-RO/
           SWCC system has more parasitic consumption than the
           CSP-MED/SWCC as seen in Fig. 9. The reason is that the
           MED system does not use a high pressure pump. Therefore,
           the pumping power required for the RO is higher than for
           the MED. Despite that, the CSP-RO system produces more
           electricity throughout the year as coupling MED to a CSP
           plant introduces a higher cutback on the potential electric
           production of the power block of the plant due to the high
           thermal extraction of the MED when compared with the
           energy consumption of the RO plant (which is also a cut-
           back in practice).
              The CSP-RO system increases its performance com-  Fig. 9. Comparison of parasitic consumption.
           pared to the CSP-MED through the warmer months of the
           year, regarding the net electricity (Fig. 7), and in the cold-
           er  months regarding the  water production (Fig. 8). The
           production of electricity and water is much lower during   operate due to higher performance affiliated with the cool-
           the winter months than in the summer time for both CSP-  ing system in comparison to the CSP-MED. Secondly, the
           RO and CSP-MED systems, as the solar resource is scarce   MED system was configured as a large single train, while
           during this period for the studied location. Compared to   for the CSP-RO simulation the RO plant was subdivided
           the CSP-MED system, the CSP-RO system produces signifi-  into 6 trains (allowing a smoother part load operation).
           cantly more fresh water during the winter months, partic-  Overall, the CSP-RO system (using a SWCC) provides
           ularly in November and December in which the CSP-RO   around 20% more electricity and 14% more water through-
           produces more than double of that of the CSP-MED. That is   out the year compared to CSP+MED. The calculated over-
           because of two main reasons. Firstly, there are several days   all specific energy consumption is 3.79 kWh m  for the
           during this period where the CSP-MED plant will not oper-  CSP-RO system and 3.56 kWh m  for the CSP-MED (water
           ate at all, or the CSP will operate at capacities below the   pumping only). Though, the MED coupling to the CSP
           minimum for the MED to work, while CSP-RO would still   plant introduces an overall cutback on the potential electric
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