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188                   S. Casimiro et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 61 (2017) 183–195

           will maintain a stable temperature difference between the   near the plant without extensive maritime works to build
           saturated vapor pressure and the cooling water tempera-  an intake for the collection of cooler water into the plant. It
           ture outlet (this second option was used when simulating   is important to note that the computer code developed for
           the CSP+ SWCC, operating with a variable vapor pressure   the once through cooling system was initially made for the
           to optimize the plant’s performance).             assessment of CSP+MED. When using this configuration
              It was defined that the CSP-RO system operates in a way   the condenser is “cooled down” with sensible heat transfer
           that ensures that, in both full and partial operation of the   from the cooling water, and so using cooling water with a
           CSP plant, each train is operated either at 100% capacity or   few  C lower has a bigger impact on the plant performance.
           it is shut down, depending on availability of power under   Because of the reasons mentioned above, in this work it
           different water temperatures across the simulation period   was considered that it would be neglected the power con-
           (one year). Pumping costs of the seawater from the intake   sumption to pump cooling water from the sea up to the wet
           to the high pressure pump of the RO system are accounted   cooling system, while the calculations when using a once
           for in this work. A minimum start-up and shutdown times   through cooling circuit would account for that.
           are set for: the whole intake/outfall and pretreatment sys-  It should be noted that both the CSP and the MED mod-
           tems; and RO trains separately. The water temperatures are   els do not account for differences in the performance of sim-
           expected to range yearly within 10–22 C. A constant per-  ilar power blocks or MED trains, when the only difference is
           meate flow in the RO trains is maintained by adjusting the   the installed capacity.
           feed pressure according to temperature in a way that keeps   It  is  being  assumed  co-location  of  the  CSP  and  RO
           the same ratio of permeate flow against feed flow during   plants. Though, the intake for the RO is considered to be an
           operation. Fig. 4 shows a simplified scheme of the CSP-RO   open surface, while the CSP with a SWCC is considered to
           system considered in this work.                   use a different underwater intake pipe stretching ~2800 m
              The source of water assumed for the evaporative cooling   from the limit of the CSP plant (similarly to the intake sys-
           of the CSP plant is seawater when using an open sea surface   tem used by the real MED plant at Trapani).
           water intake nearby the plant. The original SAM model has
           the option to simulate the operation of the CSP plant with
           wet cooling (using fresh water), dry cooling and hybrid   4.2. Simulation parameters
           cooling system (hybrid cooling is assumed to be mixture   The design and simulation of the RO plant is aimed
           of wet and dry cooling, being the wet cooling turned ON   to meet a water production of 36,000 m  d  matching the
           when the price of energy or its demand is higher). Keeping   amount of water produced by a real MED plant in Trapani
           in mind that this is an analysis at pre-design stage, most   [8]. The CSP simulations used the predefined configuration
           of the energy dissipation obtained with wet cooling comes   found in SAM’s physical trough model. The main changes
           from latent heat transfer instead of sensible heat, reducing   were applied to the installed power, thermal storage hour-
           significantly the amount of water usage. A few  C of dif-  ly availability, solar multiple, and the weather data used to
           ference in the cooling water have a smaller impact in the   match the power capacity of the CSP-MED system in [2]. The
           overall power consumption when using wet cooling vs. a   weather file that was used was built by combining two sourc-
           once through cooling circuit. If a wet cooling system would   es: Meteonorm 5.1 database available in TRNSYS 16, and
           be  installed,  then  probably  the  intake  of  water  would  be   satellite data from the year of 1997 (from the latter namely,
                                                             the global horizontal irradiance (GHI), the diffuse horizontal
                                                             irradiance (DHI), both of these used to calculate then the DNI
                                                             in TRNSYS). The original file from Meteonorm did not match
                                                             the weather profile expected for the region, as it provided
                                                             lower DNI values than expected from several other sources
                                                             (~1310 kWh m  y  vs. >1800 kWh m  y ) [10,11]. The prima-
                                                             ry simulation inputs are displayed in Table 3.
                                                                 The RO simulations are carried out using the ROSA
                                                             model discussed in points 2 and 3. Several simulations were
                                                             carried out to determine the optimum configuration for the
                                                             RO plant, having into consideration the system design rec-
                                                             ommendations [5,12]. The selected RO system considered a
                                                             total of 3060 membranes (considering all the RO trains and
                                                             stages), each of them designed for high salt rejection and low
                                                             energy consumption with an area of 40.9 m  each. ROSA was
                                                             used to simulate one train only, and all 6 trains are consid-
                                                             ered identical in this system, thus, the whole RO system’s
                                                             performance can  be  estimated  by  multiplying  the outputs
                                                             from ROSA by the number of operating trains. The algorithm
                                                             used considered that whenever the CSP plant produces elec-
                                                             tricity, the preset water temperature is read (water tempera-
                                                             ture affects the viscosity and subsequently the quality and
                                                             flow rate of water through the membrane, therefore affecting
                                                             RO system power consumption). Afterwards the algorithm
           Fig. 4. Generic schematic diagram of CSP-RO system.  checks whether the available power from the CSP system
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