Page 7 - Reverse_osmosis2016
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S. Casimiro et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 61 (2017) 183–195   189

           Table 3
           Main simulations inputs for SAM and ROSA
            Input value                                                          Value

            CSP Plant
              Installed CSP power (PT using oil as HTF), MW                      44 net (49.4 gross)
              Thermal storage, h                                                 13
              Rated cycle conversion efficiency, %                               37.74
              Condenser temperature for rated cycle conversion efficiency ,  C   35
                                                           § o
              Solar multiple*                                                    3
              Irradiation at design (reaching the solar field), W m –2           950
              Total collector loop conversion efficiency (Solargenix SGX-1), %   71.69
              Design inlet temperature,  C                                       391
              Design outlet temperature,  C                                      291
              Operating boiler pressure, bar                                     100
              Hot standby period, h                                              2
              Thermal power fraction for standby, %                              20
              Max. turbine overdesign operation, %                               105
              Min. turbine operation, %                                          25
              Direct normal irradiation (DNI), kWh m  y –1                       2004
              Fossil fill fraction , %                                           0
              Number of trains                                                   6
              Number of stages and passes / train                                2 stages (each stage with only 1 pass)
              Total number of pressure vessels / RO train                        n = 85
              Pressure vessels staging Ratio / RO train                          49:36
              Total number of membranes (entire RO plant)                        n = 3 060
              Feed water flow rate (entire RO plant), m  d –1                    13 333
              System recovery rate, %                                            45
              Flow factor                                                        1
              Feedwater temperatures, C                                          10(min)/22(max)
              Feedwater salinity (TDS), mg l –1                                  40,000
              pH                                                                 7.6
              Pre-stage ΔP, bar                                                  0.345
              Membrane type                                                      SW30HRLE-400i
              Pump efficiency, %                                                 90
              Energy recovery device efficiency, %                               90
              Individual RO train start-up time, min                             20
              RO plant start-up time, min                                        130
              Individual RO train shutdown time, min                             15
              RO plant shutdown time, min                                        130
              % Energy consumption used with intake, pre-treatment and outfall vs. total RO plant   30
                consumption, %
              Total number of effects (n)                                        12
              MED designed fraction compared to CSP heat load output             1:1
              Intake distance to MED plant, m                                    2 778
              Saturated steam powering MED (this is the temperature defining the low pressure of   64.5
              the steam leaving the CSP turbine), C
              Seawater temperatures, C                                           10(min) / 22(max)
              Seawater salinity (TDS), mg l –1                                   40,000
              Hot restart time  , min                                            100
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12