Page 8 - Reverse_osmosis2016
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190                   S. Casimiro et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 61 (2017) 183–195
           Table 3 (Continued)

           Input value                                                          Value
             Overdesign (max. operation), %                                     100
             Min. operation, %                                                  20
             Tv(1),  C                                                          62.2
             Tv(n), C                                                           37
             Tf(n), C                                                           35
             Motive steam pressure used with NCG ejection system, bar           8
             Average heat loss per effect, %                                    0
             Salinity of distillate produced (TDS), ppm                         0
           Once through seawater cooling
             Distance between plant and water intake tube, m                    2000
             Intake tube water velocity, m s –1                                 0.3
             Temperature approach, C                                            5
             Distance between plant and end of brine discharge tube, m          2000
             Brine tube water velocity, m s –1                                  0.3
             Plant site elevation above sea level, m                            10
             Water storage tank distance from plant, m                          100
             Water storage tank height, m                                       5
             Temperature approach between steam temperature and cooling water outlet, C  5
             Cooling water temperature rise across the condenser  , C           10
                                                     ¶  o
           Dry cooling
             Minimum condenser pressure, in Hg                                  2
             Initial temperature difference at design, C                        16
           Wet cooling
             Minimum condenser pressure, in Hg                                  1.25
             Approach temperature, C                                            5

           *  The solar multiple makes it possible to represent the solar field aperture area as a multiple of the power block rated capacity. A solar
               multiple of one (SM = 1) represents the solar field aperture area that, when exposed to solar radiation equal to the design radiation value
             (irradiation at design), generates the quantity of thermal energy required to drive the power block at its rated capacity (design gross
               output), accounting for thermal and optical losses. [9].
           †      Fraction of the power block design turbine gross output from the power block that can be met by the backup boiler.
           §      SAM sets the operation of the CSP plant by using amongst other inputs, the Rankine cycle’s efficiency, and the condenser’s saturated
             steam temperature at which the cycle operates with that efficiency.
           ‡    100 min is a conservative estimate for a hot startup of an MED plant. An optimistic approach would be just above ~30 min.
           ¶      The calculation of the saturated temperature inside the condenser is done by summing: 1) the seawater temperature, with the tempera-
             ture approach between steam temperature and cooling water outlet (user input); 2) the cooling water temperature rise across the con-
             denser (user input); and 3) the a temperature difference at hot side of the condenser (preset at 3 C similarly to what is done to calculate
             the  operation of the wet and dry cooling processes in the original SAM code).

           is sufficient to run 6 trains and registers the corresponding   An ERD is an essential piece of equipment in modern
           water production. Otherwise, it runs the same test for 5 trains   RO plants to reduce the total power consumption, which is
           and so on in a descending manner until it reaches 1 train. If   even more important when coupled with solar energy as its
           the power available is not enough to operate one train, the   cost can still be higher than conventional power supplies.
           CSP-RO system does not produce any water and produces   The operation of the RO plant in the simulations assumed
           electricity only, and when the system produces water, the   an energy recovery device (ERD) though, ROSA does not
           remaining power from the CSP is set as net electrical output.   allow the simulation of an RO system with ERD. To bypass
           All the remaining electricity produced by the CSP that is not   this drawback, the RO system was simulated in ROSA
           used by the RO system is considered to be available to be   without  an  ERD.  After  that  the  concentrate  outlet  pres-
           injected into the electrical grid or used by some other  process   sure and mass flow rate from the first stage (for each of the
           that may be attached connected directly to the CSP plant.   considered operating feedwater temperatures through the
           This controlling algorithm was implemented in Microsoft   year) was multiplied by the ERD efficiency (set at 90%). By
           Excel environment, and its core is described in Fig. 5.   doing this, it was possible to calculate power that could be
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