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192                   S. Casimiro et al. / Desalination and Water Treatment 61 (2017) 183–195

           production (~156,700 MWh  y ) and were almost insepara-
           ble in performance. Using saltwater might be costly in the
           long run as it can cause faster degradation of plant com-
           ponents [13] (when comparing a wet cooling system using
           freshwater vs. salt water). When comparing the cooling tem-
           peratures provided by the wet cooling system vs. the once-
           through, the once-through system provided lower tempera-
           tures during the warmer months, but warmer temperatures
           during the colder months. A shorter intake system to the
           plant could eventually ensure better performance of the
           once-through system, though it would be dependent on the
           temperature of the water it could obtain at shallower depths.
           Dry cooling is the worst in terms of power output, as it relies
           on the dry bulb temperature, which implies higher tempera-
           ture in the down condenser of the Rankine cycle. It produces   Fig. 6. Water quality across the year.
           around 7% less than the wet cooling options. The summa-
           ry with the total yearly production of fresh water and elec-
           tricity (net) using the different technologies assumed in the   salinity of 250 mg l  for drinking water. The results of the
           simulations, are presented in Table 4 (results for wet cooling   CSP-RO simulations show that the choice of cooling sys-
           using fresh and seawater are show as one entrance as their   tem does not affect the water production by much, only the
           performance is very similar).                     amount of electricity generated.  Additionally, all perfor-
              Although the CSP plant produces significantly more   mance parameters are within close margins of each other.
           electricity during the summer, the RO system capacity   The selection of the configuration using a cooling system
           remains the same and cannot consume the available extra   depends mostly on site location and availability of water for
           energy, resulting in an increase of the net electrical produc-  cooling. The specific energy consumption of the RO system
           tion available for other uses during those months. Assessing   with the ERD system (excluding the energy consumption
           the quality of water produced (permeate) throughout the   with the intake and pre-treatment system) ranged between
           year in Fig. 6 it is seen that the levels of TDS increase as   ~2.80–2.5 kWh m  (winter/summer). If accounting the
           water temperatures increase and vice versa. The variation in   intake and pretreatment system, these values would rise to
           temperature affects the salt diffusion across the membranes   a range between ~3.64–3.27 kWh m . The yearly average
           and flow rates, and since the salinity of the feed water is   specific energy consumption (with ERD and intake and pre-
           fixed during the simulations and the amount of pressure   treatment systems) was 3.79 kWh m . This value is higher
           applied depends on the quality of the water treated, the   than the range mentioned previously due to multiple start-
           feed pump continues to apply pressure without consider-  up and shut down of the intake, pretreatment and RO trains
           able changes throughout the year, countering most of the   caused by the intermittent power supply from the solar
           changes in flow due to increase of temperature. Therefore,   plant during the year. During these events, energy is being
           both feed pressure and flow rates through the system are   consumed but no permeate being produced, penalizing the
           considered constant throughout the year. Thus, the pro-  specific energy consumption of the RO plant.
           duced water quality is only affected by the changes in tem-  The CSP+MED system considered for this work, pre-
           perature. Today an increasing number of reverse osmosis   sented a net capacity factor of ~34% for the CSP plant
           systems use electrical motors with variable speed drives   (~42.5% gross), and ~40.5% for the MED plant. It is import-
           that can adjust both flow and feed pressure of the pump   ant to note that the water quality output from the MED sys-
           over a broad range, with little losses in efficiencies to enable   tem (normally below 50 ppm) would be considerably better
           further control of permeate quality. The average water qual-  than from the RO system (with the configurations used).
           ity for the simulation period of one year using the CSP-RO
           studied system, is ~156 mg l  TDS, satisfying WHO (World   4.4. Comparison of technical performances
           Health Organization) standards, that allow a maximum   In this section, the performance of the CSP-RO system
                                                             described above is compared to a CSP-MED system. This
                                                             CSP+MED system, consists of a 49.4 MW  (gross) parabol-
           Table 4                                           ic trough CSP plant coupled with a low-temperature MED
           Total outputs summary for m  of fresh water  produced and net   parallel-feed plant, using the add-on previously men-
           electrical production with the different configurations assumed  tioned in 4.1. Both the CSP+RO and CSP+MED systems are
                                                             assumed to be connected to once-through cooling system.
           CSP+RO (Wet cooling)        CSP+RO (Dry cooling)  With the configuration set in this work for the CSP+MED,
           m  y –1      MWh  y –1      m  y –1   MWh  y –1   the SWCC only operates during startup, shutdown, and
                            e                         e      part load operation of the CSP plant below the minimum
           6 091 563     156 748      6 091 125   144 895
                                                             load required by the MED. It is assumed that the most
                                                             likely configuration for the CSP+RO will be installed near
           CSP-RO/SWCC                  CSP+MED/SWCC         the sea, and therefore using seawater with a once through
           m  y –1      MWh  y –1      m  y –1   MWh  y –1     condenser. This configuration also allows a more straight-
                            e                         e      forward comparison of results with the CSP+MED/SWCC
           6 097 344     156 565      5 353 852   131 121
                                                             configuration. On the CSP-MED simulation, the SWCC is
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