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Biochemical analysis of Brassica seeds   629

              Statistical analysis                                             ab  a  ab  b  ab  b  a  c  ab

              The Satistica package (Stat Soft) was used for statis-
              tical analyses. The analytical evaluation of Toc, fatty
              acid and phytosterol content was repeated three              T-FA  1878.7 ± 35.7  1722.2 ± 73.5  1876.7 ± 39.0  1968.1 ± 63.7  1853.8 ± 40.3  1991.9 ± 58.5  1765.4 ± 74.6  2761.5 ± 123.1  1835.3 ± 82.0
              times. Mean values ± standard deviations were calcu-
              lated. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was
              performed to identify significant differences between
              accessions. A post hoc Tukey multiple range test was
              used to identify homogeneous groups at P ≤ 0.05.
              Correlation analyses were determined using the Pear-         C 22:1  268.32 ± 21.2  229.48 ± 19.6  296.78 ± 14.7  267.64 ± 19.5  214.82 ± 18.7  292.14 ± 18.6  215.53 ± 18.6  618.29 ± 32.6  311.62 ± 24.7
              son coefficient at a significance level P ≤ 0.05. For
              each taxon, the percentage of α-, γ- and δ-Toc content
              was calculated relative to total tocopherols (T-Toc).
                                                                           C 22:0  157.35  ± 11.20  162.53 ± 15.1  160.25 ± 11.3  167.95 ± 12.2  149.77 ± 14.3  158.68 ± 10.6  160.18 ± 16.3  155.99 ± 14.9  157.39 ± 11.1
              The biochemical analysis of dry seeds showed that
              in the nine specific and intraspecific taxa examined,
              α- and  γ-Toc were the major isomers;  δ-Toc was
  Downloaded By: [Scialabba, A.] At: 20:01 10 October 2010
              present in traces and β-Toc was never found (Table           C 20:1  167.69 ± 10.6  164.67 ± 17.6  179.33 ± 12.4  156.42 ± 13.7  165.46 ± 17.8  252.28 ± 18.3  169.30 ± 16.4
              II). All the differences for total and individual Toc                 162.51 ± 9.9  156.75 ± 9.8
              detected among the Brassica accessions were highly
              significant for α-Toc (F (8,18)  = 19.1; P ≤ 0.00001),
              γ-Toc (F (8,18)  = 48.5; P ≤ 0.00001), δ-Toc (F (8,18)  =
              13.7; P ≤ 0.00003) and T-Toc (F (8,18)  = 76.2; P ≤
              0.00001). The T-Toc, α-Toc and γ-Toc contents in             C 20:0  162.61 ±   7.8  164.31 ± 15.5  168.46 ± 13.2  175.79 ± 16.8  159.05 ± 13.5  166.93 ± 13.3  163.95 ± 13.9  194.77 ± 16.9  163.69 ± 15.8
              the B3–B7 populations (represented by the B. villosa
              group), with the exception of B5 (B. villosa subsp.  Table III. Fatty acid content (mean mg kg −1  DW ± standard deviation) of Brassica seeds. C 16:0, palmitic acid; C 18:0, stearic acid; C 18:1, oleic acid; C 18:2, linoleic acid; C 18:3, linolenic acid; C 20:0, arachidic acid; C 20:1, gadoleic acid; C 22:0, beonic acid; C 22:1, erucic acid. T -FA, total fatty acids. Means within a column followed by the same letter do not differ significantly at P ≤  B1. B. rupestri
              brevisiliqua) and in B8 (B. incana) was higher than in
              the B1–B2 populations and in B9 (B. macrocarpa)
              (Table II). As to α-, γ- and T-Toc content, the subspe-
              cies B5 was not homogenous with the B3–B7 group              C 18:3  173.73 ± 14.5  170.01 ± 13.7  217.27 ± 17.9  187.43 ± 15.1  175.87 ± 14.6  233.40 ± 16.5  169.03 ± 15.6  229.90 ± 18.4  169.38 ± 13.2
              and was more similar to the B. rupestris group (Table
              II). The percentages of α-Toc and γ-Toc relative to
              T-Toc were similar between  B1–B2 (B. rupestris
              group),  B5 (B. villosa  subsp.  brevisiliqua) and  B8
              (B. incana) (Figure 1). Group B3–B7, with the excep-         C 18:2  177.16 ± 16.1  182.60 ± 12.1  190.29 ± 14.5  198.77 ± 13.3  198.45 ± 12.6  210.93 ± 12.8  174.21 ± 14.4  341.18 ± 19.8  190.34 ± 16.0
              tion of B5, was characterised by a low percentage of
              α-Toc and a high percentage of γ-Toc (Figure 1).
              B. macrocarpa was characterised by the lowest content
              in T-Toc, with an α-/γ-Toc ratio of 1.96.
                The FA composition of seeds of the taxa analysed           C 18:1  223.81 ± 19.3  212.08 ± 17.3  215.51 ± 17.8  258.72 ± 16.2  227.71 ± 14.9  267.91 ± 15.6  219.69 ± 16.5  393.94 ± 25.1  226.83 ± 15.4
              Figure 1.  Content of α-, γ- and δ-Toc (% relative to total Toc) in seeds of Brassica species and subspecies.
              is reported in Table III. All the entities had a similar
              FA composition, with C 16:0 (357.17 mg kg  DW),
              C 22:1 (618.29 mg kg  DW) and C 18:1 (393.94
              mg kg   DW) acids present in higher amounts. C
              18:2 (341.18 mg kg  DW) and C 22:1 (618.29 mg                C 18:0  190.81 ± 7.8  188.10 ± 15.9  210.79 ± 15.4  220.20 ± 18.8  214.57 ± 16.3  221.17 ± 11.9  192.73 ± 12.9  287.61 ± 21.5  192.13 ± 13.7 Raimondo & Mazzola, B8. B. incana Ten., B9. B. macrocarpa Guss.
              kg   DW) were the major unusual FA detected.
              Unsaturated  FAs   (52.5–66.5%)   were   more
              abundant than saturated ones (33.5–47.5%). B8 (B.
              incana) had the highest percentage of unsaturated
              FA (66.5%) and a significantly higher total FA (T-       0.05 as determined by Tukey’s test.  C 16:0  357.20 ± 17.8  248.42 ± 19.9  254.50 ± 18.6  312.23 ± 20.1  357.17 ± 21.9  284.00 ± 14.7  304.61 ± 20.4  287.49 ± 18.1  254.60 ± 21.4
              FA) content (2761.5 mg kg   DW) than in other
              populations. The differences detected for T-FA
              among the accessions of  Brassica  were significant
              (F (8,18)  = 59.1; P ≤ 0.00001).                             Code  B1  B2  B3  B4  B5  B6  B7  B8  B9
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8