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630     A. Scialabba et al.

              Table IV. Phytosterol content (mean mg kg  DW ± standard deviation) and percentage composition of total phytosterols (%) of Brassica
              seeds. T-Phy, total phytosterol content. Means within a column followed by the same letter do not differ significantly at  P  ≤  0.05 as
              determined by Tukey’s test.
                             Sitosterol            Campesterol           Brassicasterol        T-Phy
              Code     mg kg  DW       %       mg kg  DW      %      mg kg  DW       %       mg kg  DW
              B1       279.2 ± 12.2   65.4     65.4 ± 2.4    15.3      82.2 ± 5.1   19.3     426.9 ± 18.3   b
              B2       194.4 ± 6.5    66.8     41.7 ± 3.4    14.3      55.1 ± 5.2   18.9     291.1 ± 4.7   ab
              B3       313.9 ± 12.3   63.3     91.2 ± 8.9    18.4      90.6 ± 4.1   18.3     495.7 ± 24.0   c
              B4       388.6 ± 14.4   68.7     68.7 ± 5.5    12.2     108.1 ± 11.0  19.1     565.4 ± 19.1   c
              B5       225.3 ± 19.5   62.1     69.2 ± 7.4    19.1      68.2 ± 6.3   18.8     362.7 ± 25.6   b
              B6       317.7 ± 19.7   69.6     66.2 ± 8.1    14.5      72.9 ± 6.0   16.0     456.8 ± 19.3   c
              B7       359.2 ± 28.1   69.3     61.8 ± 6.9    11.9      97.0 ± 6.6   18.7     518.0 ± 15.6   c
              B8       160.5 ± 15.5   61.7     53.8 ± 8.2    20.7      45.8 ± 5.4   17.6     260.1 ± 17.9   a
              B9       196.5 ± 14.4   67.9     46.8 ± 4.7    16.2      46.2 ± 6.2   16.0     289.4 ± 12.9   a
              B1. B. rupestris Raf. subsp. rupestris, B2. B. rupestris subsp. hispida Raimondo & Mazzola, B3. B. villosa Biv. subsp. villosa, B4. B. villosa
              subsp. bivonana (Mazzola & Raimondo) Raimondo & Mazzola,  B5. B. villosa subsp. brevisiliqua (Raimondo & Mazzola) Raimondo &
              Mazzola, B6. B. villosa subsp. drepanensis (Caruel) Raimondo & Mazzola, B7. B. villosa subsp. tinei (Lojac.) Raimondo & Mazzola, B8.
              B. incana Ten., B9. B. macrocarpa Guss.

                Furthermore, all the differences detected among  dependent (Kurlich et al. 1999). In a chemotaxo-
  Downloaded By: [Scialabba, A.] At: 20:01 10 October 2010
              the nine accessions of  Brassica  for individual and  nomic study on 91 species of Brassicaceae (=
              total phytosterols (T-Phy) were significant for sito-  Cruciferae), where the significance of Toc and the
              sterol (F (8,18)   = 94.7;  P  ≤  0.00001), campesterol  relationship with oil content and FA profile was
              (F (8,18)  = 14.95; P ≤ 0.00001), brassicasterol (F (8,18)  studied, it was observed that Toc content in these
              = 35.8; P ≤ 0.00001) and for T-Phy (F (8,18)  = 109.5;  species was useful to support assignment to sub-
              P ≤ 0.00001). T-Phy were significantly higher in the  tribes (Goffman et al. 1999). In the genotypes of
              B. villosa group, except for B5, than in other entities  Sicilian Brassicaceae, α- and γ-Toc were the major
              (Table IV). In  B8–B9 (B. incana  and  B. macro-  isomers detected and T-Toc content and the rela-
              carpa), T-Phy content was similar to that of  B2  tive percentage of single isoforms were useful for
              (B. rupestris  subsp.  hispida). In all species and  the characterisation of Brassica seeds. On the basis
              subspecies, sytosterol was the most abundant (61.7–  of these results,  B. rupestris  subsp.  rupestris,  B. r.
              69.6% relative to T-Phy), followed by brassicasterol  subsp.  hispida  and  B. villosa  subsp.  brevisiliqua
              and campesterol at 16.0–19.8% and 11.9–20.7%,     previously described as subsp. of B. rupestris can be
              respectively. Correlation analyses among the total  ascribed to the  B. rupestris  group.  B. villosa  subsp
              and individual Toc, FA and phytosterols are       villosa, B. v. subsp. bivoniana, B. v. subsp. drepan-
              reported in Table V. A significant positive correla-  ensis and B. v. subsp. tinei can be ascribed to the B.
              tion between T-Toc,  γ-Toc and C 18:3 was         villosa group. The B. rupestris and B. villosa groups,
              observed. By contrast, a significant negative correla-  B. incana  and  B. macrocarpa  were significantly
              tion between α-Toc and γ-Toc, and between α-Toc   different from each other. Based on  α- and  γ-Toc
              and T-Toc, was seen. T-FA content was positively  content, B. macrocarpa was closer to the B. rupestris
              correlated with the major unsaturated C 18:1, C   group than to  B. villosa  in line with the results
              18:2 and C 22:1 FA and was negatively correlated  obtained using random amplified polymorphic
              with the saturated C 20:0 and C 22:0 ones.        DNA (RAPD) markers (Lazaro & Aguinagalde
                                                                1996). The taxa corresponding to B1, B2 and B5
                                                                form a homogeneous group, as no significant differ-
                                                                ences were found in their Toc content. This finding
              In the present study, seeds of nine wild entities of  is in agreement with the classification proposed by
              Brassica sect. Brassica endemic of Sicily were analy-  Raimondo and Mazzola (1997), but not with the
              sed to determine the Toc, FA and phytosterol      assignment of brevisiliqua to the subspecific rank in
              content. Cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and  the B. villosa group on the basis of molecular analy-
              other cultivated species of the genus Brassica have a  ses (Raimondo & Geraci 2002). The data presented
              putative activity against oxidative stress and may  in this study confirm that different techniques can
              prevent chronic diseases such as cancer, cardiovas-  yield contrasting results, which cluster the species
              cular disease and diabetes (Podse ˛ [ e ogon  ]dek 2007). The  differently.
              variability observed in Toc content in  B. oleracea  Extensive investigations into  Brassica  germplasm
              suggests that potential health benefits that accrue  collections have shown that all the naturally occur-
              with consumption of these vegetables are genotype-  ring Brassica species contain high amounts of erucic
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