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Geo-Mar Lett (2008) 28:309–325                                                                  323

           include variation in δ O seawater values, isotopic disequilib-  summer, and samples of shell carbonates from growth
           rium from so-called vital effects, or time-averaging of δ O  increments produced in these periods will yield time-
           values arising either during periods of reduced shell growth  averaged isotope values which underestimate the highest
           or from the sampling strategy.                     recorded SSTs. In contrast, shell carbonate samples taken
                                                              from increments produced in periods of rapid growth
           Variation in δ O seawater                          should give better isotopic resolution, as is shown by the
                                                              high degree of concurrence between δ O SHELL and
           Mean values of δ O seawater are given in Table 5. Inspection  measured SSTs in the autumn and winter.
           of the monthly values of δ O seawater , in particular how far  There will be no isotope record at times when shells fail
           they deviate from the mean values for each locality, shows  to grow. This will have two principal effects: to widen the
           no systematic association of these with the degree of offset  offset between δ O SHELL and measured SST values, and to
           between δ O SHELL temperatures and measured SSTs in  increase the effect of time-averaging in samples which
           those months. For Cala Grande, 4 months have deviations  straddle shell increments laid down immediately before and
           of δ O seawater values exceeding ±0.1‰ of the mean but, in  after the episode of growth cessation. The isotope data
           three of these months, there are no significant differences  presented accord with this model in the hottest months of
           between δ O SHELL temperatures and measured SSTs. For  the year (May to September), when δ O SHELL temper-
           Monte Cofano, in six of the 7 months having deviations of  atures produce the largest offsets. The highest δ O SHELL
           δ O seawater values greater than ±0.1‰ there are significant  SST recorded is 25.0°C (Table 11), suggesting that little, if
           differences between δ O SHELL temperatures and measured  any shell growth occurs at temperatures higher than this.
           SSTs, but other months with significant temperature differ-
           ences have only slight deviations of δ O seawater values  Effects of sampling strategy
           from the mean. Similar disparate variation exists in the
           monthly data from Mazzaforno.                      Sampling, here, includes both the initial selection of the
                                                              shells to be used and how the carbonate samples are
           Vital effects                                      obtained from these. Only shells with an undamaged
                                                              aperture edge should be used. Smaller and faster growing
           In a discussion of a range of vital effects in the stenotopic  shells give lower δ O SHELL temperature offsets than larger
           intertidal limpet Patella vulgata, Fenger et al. (2007) found  shells and should, therefore, be used wherever possible.
           that none could fully account for the offsets found between  However, larger shells can yield reliable data—for example,
           δ O SHELL temperatures and instrumentally measured SSTs.  a shell from Mazzaforno with a diameter of 23.3 mm
           O. turbinatus is a more mobile species, individuals showing  produced a very low non-significant offset (Table 10).
           significant movements both up and down and across the  Large shells, provided they do not have numerous closely
           intertidal zone and being exposed to slightly different water  spaced growth checks, can be used with confidence in
           temperatures and δ O water values. It is therefore less  archaeological studies of seasonality, as shown by the
           likely to be subject to some types of vital effects considered  marked shell from Cala Grande in which the δ O values
           by Fenger et al. (2007). One possible effect, suggested by  from the 24 sequential shell carbonate samples reflected a
           Schifano and Censi (1983), is  18 O enrichment during  full annual range of SSTs.
           precipitation of shell material under conditions of evapora-
           tive cooling. They subsequently showed similar enrichment  Shell growth checks
           in subtidal shells (Schifano and Censi 1986), indicating that
           evaporative cooling is not a necessary condition. It is  Do shells of O. turbinatus in NW Sicily stop growing
           unlikely that this disequilibrium model applies to O.  during some period of the year? Field experiments by
           turbinatus, or other intertidal gastropod species, because  Williamson and Kendall (1981) on the closely related
           shell growth occurs under aqueous conditions when the  Atlantic species O. lineatus showed that annual growth
           mantle edge is in contact with the growing aperture edge  cessation lines were produced in the winter. This was
           (Crothers 2001), rather than during periods of exposure  confirmed by combined growth and oxygen isotope studies
           when the animals are retracted into their shells.  on shells of this species by Mannino et al. (2003). Such
                                                              regular annual growth lines are useful for studies of age-
           Effects of variable shell growth rates             structuring in populations (Crothers 2001) and archaeolog-
                                                              ical assemblages (Mannino and Thomas 2001) of this
           Episodes of reduced shell growth will result in more time-  species.
           averaged δ O values in shell carbonate samples (Goodwin  We have observed growth lines cutting across the whorls
           et al. 2003). Shell growth is less during the spring and  of shells of O. turbinatus, possibly indicating periods of
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