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322                                                                         Geo-Mar Lett (2008) 28:309–325

           here, with a survey interval of 3 months, any effect of the  the effects considered here might not apply to shells from
           notch would have been short lived and would have   late Pleistocene and early Holocene archaeological contexts.
           impacted more or less equally upon all specimens. Scars
           showing the repair of quite severe damage, caused mostly  Physiological effects on shell growth
           by unsuccessful attempts at predation by crabs, can
           frequently be seen on shells of O. turbinatus. Where such  The effects of episodic energy-demanding processes,
           damage has been particularly severe, this may lead to a  notably reproduction, on patterns of shell growth should
           change in the growth of the shell (as indicated by slight  be considered. Schifano’s(1983) surveys of O. turbinatus
           changes in shape) but, in most cases, the animal repairs its  at a shore in NW Sicily linked periods of recruitment in
           shell and continues growing much as before. The notches  May and November to postulated spawning in spring and
           cut into the shells are smaller than most predation damage,  autumn. For the same population, Schifano and Censi
           suggesting they have a negligible influence on shell growth.  (1983) attributed periods of slow shell growth in the spring
           This can be seen in the pigmentation patterns of the shell in  and autumn to spawning activity. This is unlikely because it
           Fig. 2, which continue in the same positions and with the  is gametogenesis, rather than spawning, which is more
           same periodicities in the new growth increment laid down  energy demanding and, therefore, more likely to influence
           in the 3 months after having been notched.         growth rates. Histological studies of the gonads of O.
                                                              turbinatus in the Gulf of Trieste showed that gametogenesis
           Effects of shore morphology on shell growth        begins in September and continues as SSTs decline to their
                                                              yearly minimum (Valli et al. 1977; 2003). Both sexes
           Although the number of shells recovered at the end of the  liberate their gametes into the sea, sporadically from
           summer at Mazzaforno was small, those recovered had  January to March and more intensively from April to
           grown by up to 4.8 mm. No shell from the analogous  August, and fertilisation occurs externally. The period of
           cohort at San Vito lo Capo had grown by more than  sexual rest can span from August to December but is
           2.3 mm. This difference may relate to the morphologies of  generally from August to October. Gametogenesis in
           the shores. At San Vito lo Capo, Monte Cofano and Cala  females commences earlier and continues for longer than
           Grande, all shores with Dendropoma (vermetid) reefs at  in males, and is more energy and resource demanding.
           mean low tide level, we observed that O. turbinatus rarely,  Inter-individual variability in shell growth rates could
           if ever, moves down onto the reef at low tide. During low  reflect male–female differences but it is not possible to
           tide at Mazzaforno, which lacks such a reef, numerous  distinguish the sexes from their external morphology.
           individuals of O. turbinatus, especially smaller/younger  Although reproduction in O. turbinatus occurs over
           ones, can be found on rock surfaces just below water level.  much of the year, as shown by recruitment of very small
           At low tide during the hot summer months, O. turbinatus at  juveniles to shores, gametogenesis occurs principally in the
           localities with vermetid reefs are likely to suffer heat stress  autumn and winter. These are seasons during which we
           because they cannot move down shore into the upper  recorded maximum rates of shell growth, suggesting that
           subtidal. Smaller shells, having a high surface area to  reproductive effort has no significant impact on shell
           volume ratio, are more likely to be affected by extremes of  growth. This need not, of course, be so for all populations
           ambient temperatures than larger ones and, therefore, may  of O. turbinatus across its range.
           actively seek less exposed situations during periods of
           environmental stress. Valli et al. (2003) showed that shell  Shell oxygen isotope composition
           growth in O. turbinatus can differ between adjacent
           populations in the northern Adriatic, with individuals at  SSTs calculated from δ O SHELL monthly edge values are
           localities subject to longer periods of submergence being  highly positively correlated with monthly SSTs at the three
           generally larger. A laboratory study of vertical movements  study localities. This supports the results from the growth
           by O. turbinatus (Chelazzi and Focardi 1982) showed that  studies by showing that in most months new shell incre-
           animals exhibit negative phototaxis and positive geotaxis  ments were laid down, with δ O SHELL values reflecting
           during the day and negative geotaxis at night. During low  monthly changes in SSTs. Although shell-based temper-
           tides in the warmer months, such behaviour could be  atures track fluctuations in SSTs well at all localities, they
           important for avoiding exposure to high insolation (Valli  usually underestimate the values, particularly in late spring
           and Vio 1975). Individuals able to move freely into the  and summer. There is also variation between individual
           seawater during low tide in the summer months will grow  shells at particular localities and between localities, which
           more than those not able to do so. Large Dendropoma reef  can be attributed in part to shell size and, therefore, age.
           platforms were probably unable to develop during periods  Potential factors which might produce offsets between
           of rapid sea level rise (Antonioli et al. 1999), in which case  δ O SHELL temperatures and instrumentally measured SSTs
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