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Geo-Mar Lett (2008) 28:309–325                                                                  319

           Table 8 Mazzaforno isotope data in relation to temperature (°C) data from the locality
           Month        SST at the  Edge δ O SHELL  Calculated  Difference  Edge δ O SHELL  Calculated  Difference between
                        time of   value (best fit)  δ O SHELL  between SST  value (worst fit)  δ O SHELL  SST and δ O SHELL
                        collection  (‰ VPDB)   temperature  and δ O SHELL  (‰ VPDB)  temperature  temperature (worst
                        (°C)                   (best fit) (°C)  temperature         (worst fit) (°C)  fit)
                                                          (best fit)
           August 2004    28.1       −0.02        25.0       +3.1         +0.18         24.2          +3.9
           September 2004  27.9      +0.04        24.8       +3.1         +0.73         21.8          +6.1
           October 2004   24.7       +0.73        21.8       +2.9         +0.73         21.8          +2.9
           November 2004  21.6       +0.86        21.2       +0.4 ns      +1.21         19.7          +1.9
           December 2004  18.5       +1.79        17.2       +1.3         +1.98         16.3          +2.2
           January 2005   15.4       +2.45        14.3       +1.1         +2.53         14.0          +1.4
           February 2005  12.9       +2.72        13.1       −0.2 ns      +2.53         13.9          −1.0
           March 2005     12.8       +2.97        12.0       +0.8 ns      +2.59         13.7          −0.9
           April 2005     16.0       +2.40        14.5       +1.5         +2.95         12.1          +3.9
           May 2005       18.7       +1.47        18.6       +0.1 ns      +1.84         17.0          +1.7
           June 2005      23.6       +0.59        22.4       +1.2         +0.98         20.7          +2.9
           July 2005      26.9       +0.09        24.5       +2.4         +0.29         23.2          +3.2

           See text for explanation of ‘best fit’ and ‘worst fit’
           ns Not statistically significant)

           larly closely, the Palermo mean monthly SSTs (r =0.971).  isotope values from smaller (younger) shells reflect ambient
           On average, for both larger and smaller shells, there are  temperatures best through the winter and spring months,
           larger discrepancies between δ O SHELL temperatures and  while those from larger shells reflect SSTs best in the
           SSTs measured at the locality than with mean monthly  autumn/fall to mid-winter months (Table 10).
           SSTs at Palermo (Table 10). Compared with mean monthly
           Palermo SSTs, isotope temperatures from smaller shells  Isotope data from a marked individual: Cala Grande
           show the greatest discrepancies in the months from July to
           October, while results from larger shells are more variable  The pattern of δ O values (Fig. 8) shows that a whole year
           (Table 10). Isotope temperatures from both larger and  of temperature fluctuations is represented, confirming that
           smaller shells show the least discrepancy with recorded  the two growth lines on the shell demarcate 1 year of shell
           SSTs in February, which is the coldest month. In general,  growth. Each line corresponds to a period of growth

           Table 9 Mazzaforno isotope data in relation to temperature (°C) data from the marine station in the Gulf of Palermo
           Month         Mean SST    Edge δ O SHELL  Calculated  Difference  Edge δ O SHELL  Calculated  Difference
                         at the Palermo  value (best fit)  δ O SHELL  between SST  value (worst fit)  δ O SHELL  between SST
                         measuring   (‰ VPDB)      temperature  and δ O SHELL  (‰ VPDB)  temperature  and δ O SHELL
                         station (°C)              (best fit) (°C)  temperature          (worst fit)  temperature
                                                               (best fit)                (°C)       (worst fit)
           August 2004      27.2         −0.02        25.0       +2.2          +0.18        24.2      +3.0
           September 2004   25.7         +0.04        24.8       +0.9          +0.73        21.8      +3.9
           October 2004     23.6         +0.73        21.8       +1.8          +0.73        21.8      +1.8
           November 2004    20.8         +0.97        20.7       +0.1 ns       +1.21        19.7      +1.1
           December 2004    17.5         +1.79        17.2       +0.3 ns       +1.98        16.3      +1.2
           January 2005     15.0         +2.45        14.3       +0.7 ns       +2.53        14.0      +1.0
           February 2005    13.7         +2.62        13.6       +0.1 ns       +2.72        13.1      +0.6 ns
           March 2005       14.2         +2.59        13.7       +0.5 ns       +2.97        12.0      +2.2
           April 2005       15.6         +2.40        14.5       +1.1          +2.95        12.1      +3.5
           May 2005         19.0         +1.47        18.6       +0.4 ns       +1.84        17.0      +2.0
           June 2005        23.2         +0.59        22.4       +0.8 ns       +0.98        20.7      +2.5
           July 2005        26.5         +0.09        24.5       +2.0          +0.29        23.7      +2.8
           See text for explanation of ‘best fit’ and ‘worst fit’
           ns Not statistically significant
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