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Geo-Mar Lett (2008) 28:309–325                                                                  315

           Table 3 Shell growth statistics from the mark-recapture experiment at Mazzaforno (started in October 2005 when 100 shells were marked)
           Growth intervals            Oct-05 to Jan-06  Jan-06 to Apr-06  Apr-06 to Jul-06  Jul-06 to Oct-06  Oct-05 to Oct-06
           Marked shells recovered (specimens  59 (100)  54 (40)     25 (22)        3 (3)         3
            found on previous visit)

           Mean linear growth (mm)          8.6            6.3           1.2            3.2            19.1
           Standard error of mean           0.50           0.28          0.30           1.28           0.88
           Minimum linear growth (mm)       1.0            2.2           0.0            0.7            17.7
           Maximum linear growth (mm)      18.5           10.6           4.7            4.8            20.7
           Seasonal %                      44.5           32.8           6.0           16.7           100.0
           Mean diameter growth (mm)        1.4            1.0           0.2            0.5            3.4
           Standard error of mean           0.09           0.06          0.05           0.12           0.57
           Minimum diameter growth (mm)     0.1            0.2           0.0            0.3            2.6
           Maximum diameter growth (mm)     2.8            1.7           0.8            0.7            4.5
           Seasonal %                      43.7           33.3           6.8           16.2           100.0
           Mean height growth (mm)          1.7            1.2           0.4            0.8            4.1
           Standard error of mean           0.10           0.08          0.08           0.09           0.50
           Minimum height growth (mm)       0.1            0.3           0.0            0.6            3.3
           Maximum height growth (mm)       3.8            2.6           1.3            0.9            5.0
           Seasonal %                      42.1           30.1           9.0           18.9           100.0
           The data are the growth increments laid down in the interval between visits and show growth for the autumn/fall, winter, spring and summer
           seasons, and for the whole year of the experiment

           Monthly shell edge values: Cala Grande             offsets from locality SSTs in seven of 24 months and from
                                                              mean monthly SSTs at Mazara del Vallo in eight of
           Temperatures derived from the monthly shell edge values  24 months. In both comparisons, there is a better degree
           (δ O SHELL ) follow both the SSTs measured at the locality  of concordance in the final 12 months of the study than in
           (Fig. 5; r =0.906) and the mean monthly SSTs recorded by  the first 12 months.
           the Mazara del Vallo station (r =0.843). However, the
           offsets between monthly pairs in these sets of values are not  Monthly shell edge values: Monte Cofano
           constant. In some months the differences are significant,
           exceeding the 95% confidence interval of the isotope  The δ O SHELL SSTs calculated from the monthly shell
           determinations (equivalent to ±0.8°C), while in other  edge samples follow the monthly SSTs measured at the
           months there are no significant differences (Table 6).  locality (Fig. 6; r =0.824) and the mean monthly SSTs at
             In general, calculated SSTs from δ O SHELL are lower  Palermo (r =0.745), although the differences between
           than SSTs recorded at the time of collection. The largest  paired monthly values are variable (Table 7). In December
           offsets between measured and shell isotope SSTs are mainly  2003 and March 2004, the temperatures derived from the
           in the spring and summer months, although this is variable  shell edges significantly exceed (p>0.05) those of the local
           (for example, May and June 2003 and July 2004 sets of  seawater. For December 2003, this may be because the SST
           values are not significantly different from directly recorded  on the day of sampling was lower than the monthly average
           temperatures). Shell isotope SSTs show non-significant  (the difference with Palermo mean SST in that month is not

           Table 4 Analyses of shell growth patterns at Mazzaforno (original shell size shell diameter at the time of marking)
           Correlation tested                                           r                 r 2              p

           Linear growth by Jan. 2006 (autumn growth)/original shell size  −0.235         0.055            0.07
           Linear growth by Apr. 2006 (winter growth)/original shell size  −0.399         0.159            0.01
           Linear growth by Jul. 2006 (spring growth)/original shell size  −0.165         0.027            0.46
           Linear growth by Oct. 2006 (summer growth)/original shell size  −0.892         0.795            0.30
           Linear growth by Apr. 2006 (winter growth)/shell size in Jan. 2006  −0.263     0.069            0.10
           Linear growth by Jul. 2006 (spring growth)/shell size in Apr. 2006  −0.047     0.002            0.83
           Linear growth by Oct. 2006 (summer growth)/shell size in Jul. 2006  −0.419     0.175            0.72
           Annual linear growth/original shell size                     −0.892            0.795            0.30
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12