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320                                                                         Geo-Mar Lett (2008) 28:309–325

           Table 10 Mazzaforno isotope data from ‘large’ and ‘small’ shells relative to SST (°C) data at the locality (MZF) and from the marine station in
           the Gulf of Palermo

           Month         Large shells,  Edge        Difference between  Small shells,  Edge  Difference between
                         diameter (mm)  δ O SHELL   SST and δ O SHELL  diameter (mm)  δ O SHELL  SST and δ O SHELL
                                     values in large  temperature, large           value in  temperature, small
                                     shells (‰ VPDB)  shells                       small shells  shells
                                                                                   (‰ VPDB)
                                                    MZF      Palermo                         MZF       Palermo
                                                    SST (°C)  SST (°C)                       SST (°C)  SST (°C)
           August 2004      22.7         −0.02       +3.1     +2.2        20.3       +0.18    +3.9      +3.0
           September 2004   20.7         +0.04       +3.1     +0.9        19.8       +0.73    +6.1      +3.9
           October 2004     21.1         +0.73       +2.9     +1.8        21.1       +0.73    +2.9      +1.8
           November 2004    23.3         +0.97       +0.9     +0.1 ns     21.0       +1.21    +1.9      +1.1
           December 2004    22.2         +1.79       +1.3     +0.3 ns     20.7       +1.98    +2.2      +1.2
           January 2005     22.3         +2.53       +1.4     +1.0        20.6       +2.45    +1.1      +0.7 ns
           February 2005    22.9         +2.62       −0.7 ns  +0.1 ns     21.3       +2.53    −1.1      −0.3 ns
           March 2005       22.9         +2.97       +0.8 ns  +2.2        21.0       +2.59    −0.9      +0.5 ns
           April 2005       22.6         +2.95       +3.9     +3.5        20.7       +2.40    +1.5      +1.1
           May 2005         22.8         +1.84       +1.7     +2.0        20.3       +1.47    +0.1 ns   +0.4 ns
           June 2005        22.1         +0.98       +2.9     +2.5        20.4       +0.58    +1.2      +0.8 ns
           July 2005        21.5         +0.29       +3.2     +2.8        20.9       +0.09    +2.4      +2.0
           Mean             22.3         +1.47       +2.2     +1.6        20.6       +1.41    +2.1      +1.4

           ns Not statistically significant

           cessation some time in the summer. The calculated  in O. turbinatus (although discussion of δ C is beyond the
           δ O SHELL temperatures from this sequence of 24 samples  scope of this paper).
           range from 13.9°C to 24.6°C, compared with a range of
           SSTs at the locality of 14.5°C to 25.6°C over the same  Summary of isotope results
             It should also be noted that variation in δ C in this shell  From Tables 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, it is apparent that monthly
           appears to be cyclic (Fig. 8), with a significant negative  SSTs calculated from δ O SHELL mostly underestimate
           correlation between δ C and δ O values (r=−0.500; p=  measured SSTs, the offsets generally being lower in the
           0.02) suggesting a seasonal influence on variability of δ C  cooler months. Comparing the offsets for each locality and
           Fig. 8 Cala Grande: variation
           of δ O SHELL and δ C SHELL in
           24 sequential samples (as in
           Fig. 3) from a shell marked in
           September 2003 and collected in
           October 2004. Sample 1 is at the
           aperture edge of the shell. Sam-
           ple 2 approximately coincides
           with the summer 2004 growth
           cessation line. The aperture edge
           at the time of marking and the
           summer 2003 growth cessation
           line lie between samples 21 and
           22. (Sample 16 was lost during
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