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318                                                                         Geo-Mar Lett (2008) 28:309–325

           Table 7 Monte Cofano isotope and temperature (°C) data
           Month         Edge δ O SHELL  Calculated  Mean SST   Difference between  Mean monthly  Difference between
                         value (‰ VPDB)  δ O SHELL  measured at  measured SST   SST at Palermo  mean monthly SST
                                        temperature  the time of  and δ O SHELL  (°C)         at Palermo and
                                        (°C)       collection (°C)  temperature (°C)          δ O SHELL temperature
           November 2002     +1.38         18.6        20.7         +2.1            19.7           +1.1
           December 2002     +2.04         15.7        16.9         +1.2            17.2           +1.5
           January 2003      +1.94         16.1        15.4         −0.7 ns         15.4           −0.7 ns
           February 2003     +2.46         13.9        14.6         +0.7 ns         14.1           +0.2 ns
           March 2003        +2.37         14.3        15.5         +1.2            14.8           +0.5 ns
           April 2003        +2.24         14.8        16.0         +1.2            15.9           +1.1
           May 2003          +2.34         14.4        19.7         +5.3            20.6           +6.2
           June 2003         +1.65         17.4        23.4         +6.0            24.6           +7.2
           July 2003         +0.05         24.3        27.9         +3.6            28.0           +3.7
           August 2003       +0.11         24.1        28.2         +4.1            28.4           +4.3
           September 2003    −0.04         24.7        27.3         +2.6            25.4           +0.7 ns
           October 2003      +0.94         20.5        23.1         +2.6            23.0           +2.5
           November 2003     +1.34         18.7        19.4         +0.7 ns         20.0           +1.3
           December 2003     +1.60         17.6        16.0         −1.6            17.3           −0.3 ns
           January 2004      +2.32         14.5        14.5          0.0 ns         14.8           +0.3 ns
           February 2004     +2.41         14.1        14.6         +0.5 ns         14.2           +0.1 ns
           March 2004        +1.98         16.0        14.4         −1.6            14.6           −1.4
           April 2004        +2.54         13.5        16.4         +2.9            15.9           +2.4
           May 2004          +1.90         16.3        18.5         +2.2            18.1           +1.8
           June 2004         +1.22         19.3        20.5         +1.2            22.3           +3.0
           July 2004         +1.64         17.4        22.3         +4.9            26.1           +8.7
           August 2004       +0.70         21.5        27.7         +6.2            27.2           +5.7
           September 2004    +0.38         22.9        24.8         +1.9            25.7           +2.8
           October 2004      +0.61         21.9        24.6         +2.7            23.6           +1.7

           ns Not statistically significant

           Fig. 7 Mazzaforno: fluctuations
           over 16 months in surface sea-
           water temperatures at the local-
           ity (filled symbols), and
           temperatures calculated from
           δ O SHELL values (open sym-
           bols). Small open symbols One
           shell sampled in those months,
           large open symbols with vertical
           range bars two or three shells
           sampled each month (the range
           bars for October 2004 and Jan-
           uary 2005 are very small and
           not visible at this resolution)
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