Page 21 - Socio-Enviromental Report2017
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Socio-Enviromental Report 2017                                                                 103

            Material topic  Description                    GRI indicators Associated standards  Boundary
                            Sustainability represents a strategic
                            driver for our company and influences
                            our business-making decisions. For
            Sustainability   this reason, it is essential to manage   GRI 102: General Disclosures  Internal
            governance                                                                    boundary
                            sustainability issues using suitable
                            internal governance procedures and
                            the expertise of a dedicated team.
                            We have chosen an approach                                    Internal and
                            to innovation consisting of the                               external
                            manufacture of increasingly                                   boundary (large-
            Product         sustainable products that meet the   -                        scale-retail-trade,
            innovation      requirements of our consumers,                                consumers and
                            guaranteeing a lower environmental                            the scientific
                            impact and an ongoing listening                               community)
                            process vis-à-vis market requirements.

                            In order to guarantee the long-term,
            Economic        sustainable economic growth of our                            Internal and
            performance     company, we must focus maximum   GRI 201: Economic Performance  external
            and growth      attention on current performance and                          boundary
            strategies      adopt timely, well-defined growth                             (shareholders)
                            We believe that it is essential to   GRI 301: Materials       boundary
            Sustainable     continue working towards sustainable   G4-FP1: Percentage of purchased   (environmental
            fishing methods  fishing, adopting fishing methods that   raw material volume from suppliers   organizations,
                            have a reduced environmental impact.  compliant with corporate policies   suppliers and
                            In addition to guaranteeing the use
                            of sustainable fishing methods and
                            full traceability of our products, we                         External
            Protection of   proactively commit to protecting the                          boundary
            biodiversity    marine ecosystem, as demonstrated   GRI 304: Biodiversity     (environmental
            and the marine   by activities conducted with the                             organizations
            ecosystem                                                                     and local
                            ISSF and the project to protect the
                            Protected Marine Area of the Aegadian                         communities)
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