Page 18 - Socio-Enviromental Report2017
P. 18

Socio-Enviromental Report 2017

            FAO                                         FAO Major Fishing Areas for Statistical Purposes

            The Food and Agriculture
            Organization (FAO) is a                     18                     68°30'E  18
            specialized agency of the                            21  27           05                               WHO WE ARE
                                                  67              42°00'W
            United Nations that deals           40°00'N  40°30'N  02  35°00'N  36°00'N
            with agriculture and food               130°00'W              37         04         61
            production, especially as       175°00'W  20°00'N  31  40°00'W  34  01        15°00'N 115°00'E  20°00'N
            regards developing countries.         77   5°00'N   5°00'N               77°00'E  2°30'N  71
            The FAO’s objective is to                              30°00'W  0°00'  6°00'S  51  0°00'  8°00'S  129°00'E
            promote more efficient                            03     20°00'W
            agricultural practices and          25°00'S  120°00'W  87  41  47        80°00'E  57  06  28°09'S  25°00'S
            combat various types of natural      81                                             81
            disasters. In order to simplify                              50°00'S  30°00'E  55°00'S                 SUSTAINABILITY
                                                    60°00'S     67°16'W  50°00'W  58       150°00'E  60°00'S
            the identification of fish catches        88        70°00'W  48   08             88
            for statistical purposes, the FAO
                                          © FAO 2015
            has divided the world’s oceans   The designations employed and the presentation
                                          of information in the map(s) are for illustration only and
                                          do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part
            into 27 fishing areas. 14     territory or sea area, or concerning the delimitation of frontiers or boundaries.
                                          of FAO concerning the legal or constitutional status of any country,

            Mackerel, Sardines and Salmon                   The salmon that we use belongs to two different species,   FISHING
                                                            Salmo salar and Oncorhynchus gorbuscha. The former
            In addition to tuna, our company is present in the canned   comes from aquaculture in the waters of Chile and
            salmon, mackerel and sardine market. The variety of   Norway, while the latter is fished in Canada and Alaska in
            mackerel procured by us includes Scomber japonicus   compliance with fishing quotas which are continuously
            colias originating mainly from Morocco and Scomber   monitored by competent territorial authorities.   PRODUCTION
            scombrus fished in Northern European waters. Globally,   Furthermore, we will also publish a policy related to
            80% of our mackerel is sourced from MSC-certified   the purchase of sardines and salmon, which we are
            suppliers and approximately 98% of Scomber scombrus   in the process of drawing up with WWF based on our
            species are procured from MSC certified suppliers.  partnership agreement. This policy will include all the

            At the beginning of 2017, we outlined our mackerel   principles and commitments to which our suppliers must
            purchasing policy (Mackerel Policy), a policy that   subscribe in order to guarantee sustainable farming and
            is currently in the process of being adopted by our   fishing and full traceability across the supply chain.
            suppliers. This document outlines the principles of
            sustainable fishing with which suppliers must comply.                                                  PEOPLE

            The sardines that we use for our products belong to the
            Sardina pilchardus species and are fished off the coasts
            of Britain to North Africa.                     14)           NUTRITION
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