Page 15 - Socio-Enviromental Report2017
P. 15
42 Fishing Socio-Enviromental Report 2017
Fishing and protection of the marine eco-system
From sea to consumer:
the cornerstone of the supply chain
The tuna that we use for our products embarks on a long Products having a strong artisanal component, such as
journey before reaching the tables of our consumers. our tuna fillets, are canned directly at our plants located
The nature of the tuna supply chain is long and complex. near the fishing zones and then sent to the Cermenate
It begins in the tropics where the fish is caught and warehouse, ready to be sold worldwide.
ends in Cermenate, in the province of Como, where our Our salmon fillets are also processed in Cermenate, while
production plant is headquartered - the largest and most our mackerel and sardine fillets are mainly manufactured
technologically advanced plant in Europe and among the at our French Quimper plant.
first in the world for canned fish.
MSC certified mackerel, equal to 81% of our total
The tuna destined for canning lives in equatorial waters mackerel procurement, is fished in the North Eastern
between the two tropics. Approximately 72% of the tuna Atlantic. After undergoing a first processing procedure,
fished on a global level comes from the Western Pacific it is frozen at the processing plants located near the
Ocean. Furthermore, in order to guarantee maximum fishing zones (Scotland, Ireland, Faroe and Iceland). The
safety and hygiene, the majority of the vessels used for remaining 19% of mackerel comes from the Central-
fishing are equipped to freeze the freshly caught tuna.
Eastern Atlantic (Morocco).
As soon as it is offloaded, the first processing stage of the As for sardines, 86% of the sardines processed at the
tuna takes place at processing plants located near the Quimper plant come from the Central-Eastern Atlantic
fishing zones. The fish are frozen, their heads and tails are (frozen), while the remaining 14% come from the North-
removed, and they are then cooked, cleaned and sliced Eastern Atlantic.
into tuna loins which will be sent to the Cermenate plant
for canning. The Quimper plant produces 70 million cans of
mackerel and approximately 9 million cans of sardines
The production process at Cermenate is rapid. In a a year. Tuna-based products marketed under the
matter of just 6 hours, the tuna loins are defrosted and Saupiquet brand are manufactured by strategic suppliers
canned with the addition of several different ingredients. on the Ivory Coast, Spain and Ecuador.
After being hermetically sealed, the cans are sterilized,
packaged and sent to the warehouse. More than 84%
of our products, sold in 45 countries are manufactured
at this plant which boasts a production capacity of up to
three million cans a day.