Page 10 - Socio-Enviromental Report2017
P. 10

Socio-Enviromental Report 2017                                                       Fishing   37
                                                                           Fishing and protection of the marine eco-system

            Our best practices                                    currently active,
                                                              3.   it must be flagged to a member nation or an
            Tuna Supply Policy                                    RFMO cooperative non-member nation,              WHO WE ARE

            To encourage maximum transparency across the      4.   it must not be listed in any RMO list of vessels
            supply chain, we have adopted a Tuna Supply Policy    that practice illegal fishing,
            that outlines the principles and best practices which
            must be met by all of our suppliers, not only as regards   5.   the vessel owner must have published a policy
            sustainable fishing, but also the fundamental human   prohibiting shark finning and the vessel must not
            rights of those operating in the fishing industry     have a recent shark finning finding,
            (convention ILO C188).                            6.   it must be able to prove 100% observer coverage,
                                                                  either human or electronic,

                                                              7.   full tuna conservation on board (Skipjack,      SUSTAINABILITY
            ISSF’s Proactive Vessel Register (PVR)
                                                                  Yellowfin and Big-eye tuna), to avoid fish from
            We supported the creation of the ProActive Vessel     being discarded,
            Register (PVR), a register instituted by ISSF to identify   8.   it must have an ISSF-trained skipper, either via
            and trace, both transparently and publicly, vessels   an in-person Skipper Workshop on best practices
            adopting practices in favour of sustainable fishing.   or via having watched a video or read a book
            This register is also promoted in the guidelines of WWF   regarding ISSF best practices,
            International for the sustainable sourcing of tuna and
            stipulates that registered vessels must undergo annual   9.   it must not use large driftnets          FISHING
            audits by a third, independent party (MRAG) which   10.  established and published company policy on
            verifies compliance with ISSF conservation measures. All   non-entangling FADs.
            vessels owned by us are registered in the PVR and we are
            committed to only making purchases from suppliers who
            use tuna fished by Purse Seiners listed in this register.  Limitation of fishing capacity
            The 10 measures related to sustainable fishing for a PVR   We comply with the ISSF resolution aimed at establishing
            registered vessel include the following:        a limited, controlled number of vessels, and are therefore
              1.   the UVI number of a vessel must meet the   committed to only purchasing our fish from vessels   PRODUCTION
                   requirements implemented by the ISSF regarding   already active or under construction at 31/12/2012. We
                   vessel type and size,                    are in favour of limiting and regulating the use of FADs.
              2.   it must be authorized to fish in regions that are                                               PEOPLE

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