Page 6 - Socio-Enviromental Report2017
P. 6

Socio-Enviromental Report 2017                                                       Fishing   33
                                                                           Fishing and protection of the marine eco-system

            Diversification of methods, species and         To this end, we have invested in: the development
            fishing oceans                                  of traditional fishing methods with a reduced risk of
                                                            bycatch such as Pole & Line fishing which accounts
            To guarantee the balance of resources, we have adopted a   for 10% of our procurements in order to support
            procurement policy that includes the diversification of fishing   artisanal fishing supply chains involving fishing from   WHO WE ARE
            methods, of tuna species and the oceans in which we fish.   small boats measuring less than 100 GT (gross tonnage)
                                                            and an increase in free school fishing and from MSC-
                                                            certified supply chains or involved in robust FIP (Fishery
                                                            Improvement Projects).
            For some time now, in order to better balance                  Furthermore, Purse Seine fishing is
            environmental, social and economic sustainability, we          only made from vessels registered
            have implemented a diversification policy regarding            in the PVR (Proactive Vessel
            the fishing methods used. In order to achieve this, we         Register), that comply with ISSF
            carefully assess various factors, including for example,   indications for sustainable fishing and undergo annual   SUSTAINABILITY
            the environmental impact generated by the fuels   audits by third parties to check compliance with these
            consumed for each ton fished, the risk of bycatch   indications. The PVR is used as a tool to verify good
            of other marine species, the working conditions of   practices, including training skippers about sustainable
            fishermen, safe sanitation and food hygiene and the   fishing, the presence of on-board observers to monitor
            marketing of an affordable, high-quality product. This   fishing operations and the use of Non-entangling FADs.
            explains why our tuna comes from Purse Seiners, using
            FAD or Free Schools or Pole & Line.                                                                    FISHING

                               28%                                             100%
                 Of our procurements are made using fishing       Of the Purse Seiners from which we make          PRODUCTION
                   methods with a reduced risk of bycatch            purchases are registered in the PVR

            OUR FISHING METHODS 2017 (%)

                                                             2 %          ARTISANAL FISHING                        PEOPLE

                                                            10 %          HAND LINE AND POLE & LINE

                                                            12 %          PURSE SEINER MSC

                                                             4 %          PURSE SEINER FAD FREE

                                                           36 %           PURSE SEINER ROBUST FIP                  NUTRITION

                                                           36 %           PURSE SEINER STANDARD
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