Page 3 - Socio-Enviromental Report2017
P. 3

Socio-Enviromental Report 2017

                  MSC Fishery on the Solomon Islands              obtaining MSC certification. Tri-Marine is the main
                                                                  supplier of Bolton Alimentari’s loins, meaning that its
                  The Solomon Islands’ project related to sustainable   participation in the project will enable our company to
                  fishing is one of our most successful achievements to-  maintain the commitments undertaken.
                             date. In 2016, thanks to the support of Tri
                             Marine, our exclusive tuna supplier, we   The WWF is a key partner in the development of this
                             managed to obtain MSC certification for   project. During the initial stages, it contributed to the
                             the Solomon Islands’ fishery.        constitution of a work group, facilitating the meeting
                                                                  and cooperation of the parties involved. NIRSA, which
                  Additionally, over the past few years, our activities   initiated the process with a pre-assessment of the area
                  in the Solomon Islands have included the successful   of fishing activity, was a pioneer of this initiative together
                  implementation of social projects designed to benefit the   with Eurofish and Jadran. Subsequently and also
                  communities working in our supply chain. In particular, we   thanks to the work of the WWF, new players joined the
                  updated and modernized the fleet of local vessels in Noro.   team, including Tri Marine and Servigroup, one of most
                                                                  important companies in the Ecuadorian fishing industry.
                  Fishery Improvement Project in the Eastern      More specifically, the WWF undertook to coordinate the
                  Pacific Ocean (TUNACONS)                        annual revision process of the FIP with the choice of an
                                                                  independent consultant who conducted an audit and drafted
                  This project involves the participation of various players   an analysis of the results achieved during the first year.
                  involved in fishing activities in the area; they are all
                  committed to reducing the environmental impact of their   In a broader sense, WWF supports FIPs with its expertise
                  activities to support sustainable fishing in the region.   and knowledge of the marine world by promoting the
                                                                  governance policies of sustainable fishing on a national
                             The project involves 45 Purse Seiners   and regional level.
                             which represent 18% of the fleet operating
                             in the region. The FIP is managed by the   In light of the commitment assumed through this
                             Tuna Conservation Group (TUNACONS)   partnership, thanks to a designated budget, Bolton
                  in partnership with WWF Ecuador and the support of   Alimentari helps to fund WWF’s work and its development
                  Ecuador’s Ministry of Aquaculture and Fishing, the   of several specific activities in the area.
                  National Fisheries Institute, EPESPO and CIAT, as well   Thanks to this initiative, TUNACONS is becoming a
                  as other experts involved in the management of fishing   business model for companies operating in the fish sector
                  activities. TUNACONS, a group comprising leading tuna   worldwide. This shows how the private sector, by working
                  companies operating in the area (Negocios Industriales   synergically with the public sector and civil society
                  Real NIRSA, Eurofish, Grupo Jadran, Servigroup and   organizations, manages to work in favour of actions
                  Tri Marine), was established with the aim of launching   aimed at the conservation of marine species and their
                  a robust Fishery Improvement project geared towards   ecosystems.


                  The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is the world’s leading   The WWF’s mission is to reduce the most pressing threats
                  independent conservation organization. The organization   to our planet and build a future where people can live in
                               is present in more than 100 countries in   harmony with nature by promoting the conservation of
                               six continents and is supported by more   the genetic diversity of species and the ecosystem, the
                               than five million people who enable it to   sustainable use of natural resources and the reduction
                               conduct over 1,300 projects in defense of   of pollution and anthropic impacts. More information on
                               the habitat and endangered species, from
                               Italy to the Arctic and from Africa to China.
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