Page 2 - Socio-Enviromental Report2017
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Socio-Enviromental Report 2017                                                       Fishing   29
                                                                           Fishing and protection of the marine eco-system

            Results to-date:

              52.4%     At the end of 2017, 52.4% of Bolton Alimentari tuna was sourced from MSC certified fisheries (12.9%) or
                        from fisheries participating in credible, robust Fishery Improvement Projects - FIPs (39.5%).

            Fishery status 9

            Fishery                             Status                              FAO AREA
            Solomon Islands                     MSC certified                       71
            TUNACONS                            Robust FIP                          87-77

            SIOTI                               Robust FIP                          51-57
            OPAGAC                              Robust FIP                          71-77-87-31-34-51-57


                 Robust FIP                                                                 MSC Certified
                   Eastern                                                                      Fishery
                Pacific Ocean                                                                 SOLOMON
                TUNACONS 1                                                                     ISLANDS 4

                                                Robust FIP
                Robust FIP   Robust FIP         Atlantic Ocean   Robust FIP
              Weastern and    Eastern                          Indian Ocean
             Central Pacific   Pacific Ocean                        SIOTI 3  Robust FIP
            Ocean OPAGAC 2   OPAGAC 2                                       Indian Ocean
                                                                            OPAGAC 2

            1 e 4)  Through our strategic partner Tri Marine  3)   Through our supplier Princes Ltd
            2)   Through our company Grupo Conservas Garavilla
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