Page 7 - Socio-Enviromental Report2017
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34 Fishing Socio-Enviromental Report 2017
Fishing and protection of the marine eco-system
Our fishing methods About FADs (Fishing Aggregating Devices)
Fishing Aggregating Devices are rafts with transceivers that
Purse Seiner are deployed in the ocean prior to fishing so that conditions
A fishing method involving the use of large fishing boats capable of attracting schools of fish in search of food are
capable of staying at sea for several weeks. Once a tuna recreated underneath them. This technique is the result of
school has been sighted, a small boat, known as a skiff, observations made by fishermen who noticed the natural
with a large nylon net attached, is lowered into the sea. tendency of fish to gather beneath logs of wood or other
The fishing boat makes a circular manoeuvre to join the floating objects. Since this technique provides skippers
two ends of the net and draws it tight at the bottom to with information regarding the localization and number of
form a purse, referred to as a seiner. The tuna caught fish that have gathered beneath these objects, it is used to
are immediately frozen in refrigerators situated below maximize fishing.
deck. Purse Seiner vessels fish either by spotting free- FADs can either be anchored to the ocean floor
swimming schools of tuna or by utilizing FADS (Fishing (anchored FADs) or drift freely in the open ocean by
Aggregating Device). following the currents (drifting FADs).
Pros: The entire operation takes place on a single Pros: By encouraging the aggregation of tuna underneath
vessel, guaranteeing improved traceability and hygiene, them, the use of FADs increases the catch per unit of
preventing sanitation risks for the catch and guaranteeing effort. This method means that the tuna are easier to
better working conditions for the fishermen. This method track in the open sea with a lower fuel consumption.
also involves a lower incidence of fuel consumption Cons: One of the main problems linked to the use of FADs
per ton of fish caught, thus guaranteeing reduced is the bycatch of other species, which can be entangled
environmental impact compared to other fishing methods.
in the FADs. To reduce this phenomenon, the ISSF has
Cons: The incidence of bycatch is lower compared to conducted numerous studies over the past few years
other fishing methods. On average it represents 5% of the to optimize their design, improving handling and use
total caught, approximately 80% of which are not at risk and limiting environmental impact through the use of
of extinction (ISSF). biodegradable materials (biodegradable FADs).