Page 11 - Socio-Enviromental Report2017
P. 11

Socio-Enviromental Report 2017

                  Against illegal fishing                         turtles, despite not being the target species of the
                                                                  fishing expedition become entangled and trapped. For
                  To combat the phenomenon of illegal fishing, we ask all   a FAD to be completely non entangling, it must use no
                  our suppliers to refrain from any transaction with vessels   netting materials either in the surface structure or the
                  not listed in the register of authorized vessels by the   submerged structure. Some organizations also consider
                  Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMO),   NEFADs to be those using netting but built to minimize
                  or not in possession of an identification number issued by   entanglement. In this case they are sometimes called
                  the International Maritime Organization (IMO).   ‘lower entanglement risk FADs’.
                  We guarantee complete traceability of our product. We
                  do not make purchases from vessels registered by the
                  EU in the IUU List, preferring rather to source tuna from   Bycatch
                  vessels regularly registered with the RFMOs. To guarantee   The incidental capture of fish, also known as bycatch,
                  maximum traceability of our products and ensure   refers to non-targeted marine animals during fishing.
                  widespread controls across the entire supply chain we   Furthermore, the term bycatch also applies to anything
                  ask our suppliers to refrain from conducting any type of   that is caught and then thrown back into the sea,
                  transaction with boats practicing transshipment, i.e. the   including targeted fish that are discarded due to
                  transfer of fish caught in the open seas, unless specifically   undesired quality or size, or anything that is caught and
                  authorized by the RFMOs or controlled by on-board   taken back to port which though destined for a local
                                                                  market was not the target of the fishing trip. All fishing
                                                                  methods have some level of environmental impact and
                                                                  this impact is often measured in terms of fishing mortality
                  Our commitment to reducing bycatch
                                                                  of non-target species. Among the marine species, the
                  Since 1992, we have endorsed the Dolphin Safe program   most frequent victims of bycatch are sharks, rays and sea
                  instituted by the Earth Island Institute (EII), which has   turtles.
                  reduced Dolphin mortality by as much as 98% to-date.
                  We ask our suppliers to guarantee that they do not
                  engage in the practice of shark finning. Additionally, as   Support of Protected Marine Areas
                  outlined in the ISSF’s conservation measures, we have   To protect the marine eco-system, we have committed to
                  pledged to only make purchases from suppliers that use   not purchasing fish from either protected marine areas
                  non-entangling FADs on their vessels, which, as opposed   of marine reserves identified by the coastal states or the
                  to traditional FADs, guarantee a lower risk of bycatch.   RFMO’s, including the four marine reserves of the Central-
                  This commitment is also specified in our Tuna Policy   Western Pacific. Furthermore, to protect biodiversity we
                  which must be signed and respected by all our partners.  support the creation of new marine reserves as well as
                                                                  existing ones, such as the Protected Marine Area of the

                  Non-entangling FADs:                            Aegadian Islands, the largest in Europe.
                  Non-entangling FADs are aggregating devices that
                  are constructed with no netting material to minimize
                  ‘ghost fishing’, i.e. when fauna, primarily sharks and
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