Page 16 - Socio-Enviromental Report2017
P. 16

Socio-Enviromental Report 2017                                                       Fishing   43
                                                                           Fishing and protection of the marine eco-system


                                                           86 %           CENTRAL-EASTERN ATLANTIC                 WHO WE ARE

                                                            14 %          NORTH-EASTERN ATLANTIC
                                                                          (MSC CERTIFIED)

                                                                          NB This data only refers to sardines     SUSTAINABILITY
                                                                          processed at the Quimper plant.

            Traceability of the raw materials               This important project, one of the most avant garde in
                                                            the canning industry, involves more than 500 products
            In a long and complex supply chain like ours, traceability   on 10 production lines, allowing us to reconstruct the
            is crucial. Not only does it guarantee the food safety of   story of each can and cross-reference data, analyses and
            the products that reach the tables of consumers, but   controls across the entire supply chain. Thanks to an IT   FISHING
            it also promotes protection of the marine ecosystem.   system, developed internally and validated by an external
            Traceability is one of the main tools used to combat   body, we are able to check and screen all our suppliers
            illegal fishing, promote the sustainable management of   globally, in real-time, rapidly monitoring and controlling
            fishing zones and the governance of our sustainability   procurement data, including those related to the
                                                            diversification of the fishing methods used, tuna species
            For this reason, in 2015, we were the first Italian   and fishing zones. In addition, this certification allows
            company and among the first in the world to obtain   us to provide consumers who access the Rio Mare and
            international ISO 22005 certification of our traceability   Saupiquet websites to request information, with detailed   PRODUCTION
            system from DNV-GL (Traceability System in the feed   information certified by an independent third-party body
            and food chains). This certification enables us to monitor   which guarantees its authenticity and reliability.
            a complex supply chain like that of tuna.                                                              PEOPLE

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