Page 19 - Socio-Enviromental Report2017
P. 19

46    Fishing                                                          Socio-Enviromental Report 2017
                  Fishing and protection of the marine eco-system

                                       Our commitment to the adoption
                                       and promotion of sustainable fishing

                                       Preserve and improve the health of oceans and fish stocks
                        1              SUSTAINABLE FISHERIES:

                                             E  By 2024: 100% of our tuna sourced from MSC certified fisheries or Robust
                                              Fishery Improvement Projects (Robust FIPs);
                                             E  By 2024: 100% of the other species (Salmon, Mackerel and Sardines) sourced
                                              from MSC/ASC certified fisheries or Robust Fishery/Aquaculture Improvement
                                              Projects (Robust FIPs/AIPs).

                                       SUSTAINABLE FISHING METHODS:
                                             E  By 2020: 50% of tuna procurement from more selective fishing methods with
                                              a lower level of by-catch and environmental impact (Pole & Line, hand line,
                                              Small-scale sustainable vessels*, FAD-free purse seine).
                                             E  By 2020: 50% of tuna procurement from large scale purse seiner with FAD
                                              management measures in place:
                                                 E  Only non-entangling FADs (in compliance with ISSF guidelines);
                                                 E  Maximum 300 active drifting FAD per vessel and per ocean, without
                                                 increasing them where the number of FAD used was less than 300;
                                                 E  Communication of catch data to RFMOs, including data related to the use
                                                 of FADs, within 4 months.
                                             E  By 2019: we will finalize an analysis to better quantify the number of FAD used
                                              by the vessels we procure from and to identify additional measures, such as
                                              limits on the number of FAD sets, targets for biodegradable FADs, supply vessels
                                              management by 2020.
                                             E  By 2018: for Bolton-owned vessels:
                                                 E  Continue to prohibit the use of supply vessels;
                                                 E  Max 150 active FADs for the Atlantic Ocean (Saupiquet) and max 300 active
                                                 FADs for the Pacific Ocean (Garavilla);
                                                 E  Register Bolton-owned vessels on the website where
                                                 we will post data regarding fishing trips within 4 months.

                                              *Small vessels performing short fishing trips (<2 weeks) flagged to the country whose waters in which
                                              they are fishing and fishing only with sustainable practices
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